

The Legal Issues of Human Health Damages Caused by Environmental Pollution

【作者】 袁小丽

【导师】 黄锡生;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境资源保护法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 德国学者约阿希姆·拉德卡通过对世界环境发展的史料分析与总结认定人类对“环境忧虑的深层原因”其实是“对疾病的恐惧”。也就是说,担忧环境问题引发疾病仍是推动世界环境保护事业发展的原因和动力。相比环境污染导致的财产损失,公民身体健康应当受到法律的最高礼遇。对个体而言,身体健康是最基本的生存条件;对社会而言,环境健康损害的危害性最大。由于环境污染导致居民健康损害的后果严重且不可恢复,就这一点而言,不幸遭受了环境健康损害的人,往往痛苦难当、很容易萌生悲观厌世的情绪,进而发展为对社会的不满甚至敌对,影响社会的正常运转。那么,实现环境健康损害的事先预防与事后救济则应成为国家环境保护立法的重要内容。随着我国经济的持续快速增长和经济规模的不断扩大,我国环境污染和环境破坏问题与日俱增,但我国环境污染致人体健康损害赔偿制度却发展缓慢,这是由于我国现存的环境侵权损害赔偿制度的不完善,无过错责任的法律规定不一致、因果关系的推定方法单一、免责条件的规定不合适、精神损害赔偿的规定缺乏可操作性、社会化救济尚未确立等原因,导致了许多的环境污染受害者选择忍受与沉默。在法学界,由环境污染导致公民生命权、身体权、健康权的损害赔偿在国内很少有人探讨,因此本文以环境污染致人体健康损害赔偿这种与公民切身利益直接相关的损害为研究对象。本文主要从以下四个方面展开论述:第一部分从环境侵权、环境污染致人体健康损害的内涵入手,分析环境污染对人体的危害和特征,明确环境污染致人体健康损害的基础理论。第二部分对国外环境污染致人体健康损害赔偿的立法与实践进行考察,得出一些对我国环境污染致人体健康损害赔偿的启示。第三部分分析了我国环境污染致人体健康损害赔偿立法现状及缺陷。第四部分提出了应当完善我国的环境污染致人体损害赔偿的相关法律制度,并就该制度的完善提出了相关的建议。笔者希望通过以上的分析,能够促使人们更加重视环境污染对人体健康损害赔偿的研究,加快完善相关立法与制度建设,使饱受环境污染侵害的受害者能够得到及时、有效的救济。

【Abstract】 Joachim ? Radecka German scholars by on the historical development of the world environment analysis and conclusion finds human beings, "the underlying causes of environmental concerns," is actually a "fear of the disease." In other words, worry about environmental illness is still the world’s environmental protection work in promoting the cause and motivation.For individuals, good health is the most basic living conditions; for society, environmental health damage is the greatest danger. Compared to environmental pollution caused property damage, the health of citizens should be legally the most courteous.This is because the environmental consequences caused serious damage to the health of people and not recoverable, on this point, unfortunately, has suffered environmental health damage, often struggled in vain, it is easy initiation mood of pessimism on to develop the social discontent even hostile, affect the normal operation of societyThen, the prior achievement of environmental health damage prevention and relief after the country should be an important part of environmental protection legislation.With China’s sustained and rapid economic growth and continuous expansion of economic size, China has more and more problems of environmental pollution and environmental damage, but the environmental tort damages pollution to human health system has developed slowly, due to our existing system of compensation of environmental damage imperfect, no fault liability laws are inconsistent, the presumption of causation single method, the provisions of improper exemption conditions, lack of compensation for moral damage, social relief and other factors not yet been established, led to many environmental pollution victims choose to endure and be silent. In legal circles, environmental pollution caused by the citizens of the right to life, physical power, health damages of very few people in the country, so this article damages to human health caused by environmental pollution and the citizens that are directly related to damage to the vital interests of the research object .This article discusses the following four aspects: the first part of the infringement from the environment, environmental pollution, human health damage caused by the connotation, of pollution hazards and characteristics of the human body, clear damage to human health caused by environmental pollution, the basic theory.The second part of the foreign pollution damages human health caused by the legislation and practice of inspection, and environmental pollution caused by China’s damages to human health in China. The third part of the human health damage caused by environmental pollution in China current situation and defect analysis. The fourth part of the environmental pollution in China should improve the legal system damage caused by the human body.I hopes according to the above analysis, to encourage people to pay more attention to environmental pollution damages and human health research, accelerate the improvement of relevant legislation and institutional building, so that victims suffer violations of environmental pollution can be timely and effective relief.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】D922.68;D923
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】466
  • 攻读期成果

