

Online Shopping of Virtual Community Network Analyses Based on Snm

【作者】 肖凤

【导师】 李勇;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 情报学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来网络飞速发展,很多企业为了争夺市场,也加入到网络营销中去,虚拟社区购物网络成了人们购买的重要场所。网络购物的匿名性,开放性,跨时空性,低受控性等特性,使得网络购物和传统购物有很大差异,因此能正确的对网络营销数据进行分析和管理控制显得尤为重要。但虚拟社区购物中信息的传播规律深埋在纷繁复杂的网络中,很难掌握,要对网络中的数据进行细致的分析才能得出网络营销的下一步发展的规划和策略。社会网络挖掘分析技术在中国是刚兴起的,给我们分析带来了机会。本文采用了社会网络挖掘技术对某小型购物网站中的一个版块中的顾客和产品之间的数据信息进行分析。提取2009年中两个月的顾客评价产品的数据和产品自身数据,用K均值聚类法进行聚类找到凝聚子网,以虚拟社区中最活跃的顾客和受关注程度最多的产品为例,构造2-mode网络,用SNM技术进一步分析产品-产品之间和顾客-顾客之间的1-mode网和产品-顾客之间的2-mode关系。找出他们之间的特征得出相关的规律。分析证明这一套社会网络挖掘方法能够分析网购网络虚拟社区二模网模型的规律。

【Abstract】 At present, many company join in the network market for competition. In the case, virtual community shopping has become an important place for people to buy. with the characteristics of anonymity, open, space-time crossing and low controlled, the Internet had large difference compared with traditional media, and the management of web opinion came out to be quite important. As the discipline of the spread of virtual community was deeply hide in the wide internet, and hard to grasp, the management of the virtual community was very difficulty.The rise of the method of Social Network Mining brought an opportunity to us. This paper adopted Data mining and Social Network Analysis analyzing a small shopping site of the customer and product data. We extracted data of customers and products from October to November in 2009, clustering by K-mean method. We find out the active customers and products in virtual community, then structuring 2-mode network, and analyzing 1-mode network of customer-to-customer relationship and product-to-product relationship and 2-mode network of product-to-customer relationship. At last, find out the Characteristics between them.The results show that the analysis model of Social Network Mining can describe the virtual community regular pattern of 2-mode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

