

A Study of Professor Zhao Changgeng Academic Thought Prequel

【作者】 杨黎黎

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在学术界第一次系统的整理和研究赵长庚教授的学术思想。赵长庚教授是我国近代城市规划理论思想研究的先驱,是我国西部地区城市规划学与风景园林学的首席专家,是重庆大学建筑城规学院城市规划及园林景观专业的创始人之一,是山地人居环境理论探讨的发起者,还是西蜀历史文化名人纪念园林研究的绝对权威。回顾赵长庚教授的一生,祖籍四川崇庆人,出生于1920年3月,于1939年进入燕京大学文学系就读,毕业后继续在中央大学攻读建筑学学位,1946年毕业于国立中央大学建筑系,并获学士学位,是至今为止唯一拥有文学、建筑双学位的通才专家。1950年在成都艺专建筑科授课并任校务委员,1952年国家院系调整,西南地区7所大学的建筑类专业组建成重庆建筑工程学院后,赵长庚先生即入校任教,直至1998年初春辞世。1955年被派往上海同济大学与城市建设部进修城市规划学,而后回校协办规划系。在1958-1978年20年间,正直年富力强的壮年期,却经历了社会的变革和历史的动荡,期间他几乎完全停止了专业研究和教育工作。1978以后,历经了意识形态领域风风雨雨的磨难洗礼,赵长庚教授依旧怀着满腔的热情回到教育岗位,为重庆大学建筑成规学院的专业学科发展做出重要的贡献,为中国改革开放以来历史文化名城和风景园林保护与发展的研究留下了许多优秀的文献著作。文中详细整理记述了他所从事的研究领域及理论思想。赵长庚属于较早涉足城市美学研究领域的一批学者,可以说他在如何构建和美化城市环境的研究中功不可没。他关于如何理解城市美学、研究审美价值、构建城市环境、塑造城市特色的问题探讨中提出了系统的方法论;赵长庚先生围绕如何建设山水城市、如何建设城市景观,著有《建设“优美、文明、清洁”的城市》、《城市文化与园林、风景、山水文化》、《论城市景观与城市物质文明、精神文明的建设》、《城市景观漫谈》等多篇论文,将城市景观进行分类,提出规划观点,以提高城市景观的效益;城市风貌及特色的研究是赵长庚教授在城市规划研究和城市文化探索过程中承上启下的重要环节。而历史文化名城的保护研究是从人文与艺术的角度深刻剖析了规划在当时保护城市历史多样性、塑造城市风貌过程中的重要性。赵长庚教授的这部分研究首先解析了打造城市风貌特色的重要性,接着提出了如何进行历史文化名城保护工作、如何延续城市历史风貌的方法论;赵长庚教授把传统园林纳入风景园林旅游规划研究范畴,总结营建方法,加以借鉴合理利用,探索出了一条风景名胜区旅游开发的新思路。以上部分是对其理论思想研究的摘要。赵长庚教授将历史文化和文学创作融入到专业理论研究及项目操作中来。他在工程设计研究中巧妙的融入了历史文化和中国文学的内容,包括有:城市及地区的历史文化传说、传统文化、宗教文化、诗词古籍、诗书楹联、绘画白描等。在建筑、规划与造园中表现历史人文哲理、诗情画意。

【Abstract】 This dissertation, for the first time in the academe, makes a comprehensive analysis and study on Zhao Changgeng academic thought. Professor Zhao Changgeng is a pioneer of researching of modern urban planning theory in China. He is the principal expert of urban planning and landscape subject professionals in western region of China. He is one of the founders of the theoretical study of urban planning and landscape of Chongqing University. He is also the initiator of the mountainous inhabitation environmental research, and absolute authority of the traditional garden studying in western part of Sichuan.Review of his life. Professor Zhao Changgeng was born in March, 1920, in Chungzhou in Sichuan. In 1939, he attended the Yanjing University to learning Chinese literature. After graduation, he went to the national central university on Architecture degree. Then he obtained a diploma in architecture in 1946. He is so far the only person with literature and architecture bachelor’s educational level. From 1950, he was working in school administration committee of Chengdu Art institute. In 1952, when the state department had an adjustment, institute on professional construction projects of 7 universities in southwestern of China consolidated and formed the Chongqing architectural engineering institute. Then he was teaching in that school until 1998 when he departed this life. In the meantime, he was sent to the Shanghai Tongji University and the Ministry of Construction to learning urban planning. When he came back, he provided assistance to establish the specialized field on urban planning in our school. From 1958 to 1978, for 20 years, when he was in the prime of life, he encountered the social transformation and the history of unrest. He almost completely stopped his research and professional education work. Since 1978, after suffering the revolution of the ideology, Professor Zhao Changgeng still returned to campus with passion, for teaching urban planning institute. Then he made important contributions for the protection of historical and city’s cultural and to promote the development of landscape research after the China’s reform and opening to the outside world. And he also left many interrelated works.This paper describes the consolidation in his field of study and theoretical thoughts.Zhao Changgeng was the earliest batch of researchers on the city aesthetic field, who made a big contribution in how to construct and beautify urban environment. He proposed remedies about how to understand the city aesthetics, how to study of aesthetic value, how to make up a nice urban environment, and how to mould the city distinguishing feature. Mr. Zhao Changgeng, studying on how to build cities with hills and waters, and the construction of urban landscape, published many articles. They are“construction of beautiful, civilization, clean city”,“urban culture and architecture, landscape, landscape culture”,“the theory on construction urban landscape, urban material civilization and spiritual civilization”,“rambling about urban landscape”, and many other papers. These articles tell us the classification of urban landscape, planning ideas, and how to improve the urban landscape of benefit.The research of the city style and features is the important link in the process of Professor Zhao’exploring on urban planning and urban culture. His researching on protection of the historical cultural city told us that urban planning is very important to protect biodiversity, or make up a nice urban environment. This part of his research firstly analyzed the importance of building urban landscape features, then put forward how to protect the historical cultural cities, and how to continue the methodology of cities’historic style and features.Professor Zhao Changgeng ranged the traditional garden research with the landscape planning and tourism spot planning. Then he conclude the construction method for reasonable using, explored a new idea of tourism spot planning. Above is the part of the theories research.Professor Zhao Changgeng blended history culture and literary into professional theory research and project operation. He studied in the project design, originally blending with the history culture and the content of Chinese literature, including: cities and regions of historical culture, religious culture, traditional culture and ancient literature, poetry, painting, lyrics and couplet, etc. There are also much history-related and poetic and pictorial splendor in his work of architecture, urban planning and building traditional garden.

【关键词】 赵长庚教授理论思想历史文化
【Key words】 Proffessor Zhao changgengacademic thoughttheoryhistorycultural
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期

