

Research on the Legal System of Invalidation of Rights

【作者】 杨天红

【导师】 袁文全;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 时效制度是民法上的一项重要制度。对于时效制度,目前我国的民事立法仅规定了诉讼时效和除斥期间,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善和法治化进程的加快,这一制度的不适应性日益表现明显。发轫于德国司法实践的权利失效制度完善了时效制度的内容体系,其一方面可以弥补除斥期间适用范围的狭窄,另一方面可以软化诉讼时效制度的僵硬。同为大陆法系的日本和我国台湾地区相继以司法判例的形式确立了权利失效制度,而于我国大陆,亦有研究该制度的理论和现实需要。全文共分为五个部分:第一部分是对权利失效制度的概述,主要从权利失效制度的涵义、性质、法理基础和制度的由来等四个方面进行介绍。第二部分主要探讨权利失效制度对各项民事权利的适用,认为权利失效制度普遍适用于民事权利中的各项权利。第三部分从权利失效制度的构成要件探讨该制度,认为权利失效制度从权利人角度来观察应有权利人不行使权利的客观行为,从义务人角度来观察应有义务人的信赖,从法律角度来看应体现法律对利益的权衡与选择。第四部分分析权利失效制度适用的法律效力,认为权利失效制度的适用导致的法律后果是实体权利的消灭。论文的最后部分围绕权利失效制度在我国立法中的构建展开,认为我国应通过司法解释的形式承认权利失效制度,待条件成熟时,可将权利失效制度写入民法典之中。

【Abstract】 The prescription system is an important system of the civil law. As to the prescription system, our country’s civil law only provides the limitation of action and the scheduled period. As China’s socialist market economic system continues to improve and the process of rule of law speeds up, the inadaptability of this system becomes increasingly obvious. Originating from the German judicial practice, the system of invalidation of rights completes the content of the prescription system. On one hand, it makes up the narrow scope of application for the scheduled period; on the other hand, it can soften the rigid system of limitation of action. Japan and Taiwan have successively established the system of invalidation of rights in the form of judicial precedent. As a civil-law-system area as well, Chinese mainland should also research this system for the theoretical and practical needs.This thesis can be divided into five parts. The First Part is an overview of the system of invalidation of rights. It introduces the system of invalidation of rights from four aspects—its meaning, its nature, its legal basis and its origins. The Second Part explores the applicability of the system of invalidation of rights to various civil rights. It holds that this system is generally applicable to various civil rights. The Third Part researches the system of invalidation of rights from the side of its constitutive requirements. It holds that these elements are required—the obligee fails to exercise his rights, the obliger trusts that the obligee will not exercise his rights, and the law should balance and choose between the interests. The Forth Part expounds the legal effect of applying the system of invalidation of rights. It believes that the application of this system will result in the elimination of substantive rights. The Final Part of the thesis discusses about the establishment of the system in our legislation. It holds that we should at first admit the system of invalidation of rights through judicial interpretation, when conditions permitting, we can write it into the Civil Code.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

