

The Architectural History of Bashu Area

【作者】 张新明

【导师】 张兴国;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 巴蜀地区的建筑有着相对独立的发展体系,尤其是在元明清时期,巴蜀建筑更是进入了一个高度发展的繁荣期,为后世留下了丰厚的建筑遗产。本论文以巴蜀地区元明清时期的建筑为研究对象,通过对文献资料的学习与梳理以及对建筑实体的调研与分析,研究巴蜀地区的城市、建筑以及建筑技术的发展及其特征。首先第一部分对巴蜀地区元明清时期的社会背景及建筑的发展状况做一个大致的阐述,分析了社会、经济、文化的发展对建筑产生的影响。之后分别对巴蜀元明清时期的城镇建设、建筑以及建筑技术的发展进行更为详尽的分析与论述。在城镇建设部分通过对资料的梳理分析,分析了巴蜀主要城镇的分布情况以及城镇分布与区域交通的关系;在对历史地图解读的基础上,提出了府、州城的城市构成要素及建筑内容的发展;之后以成都和重庆为例分析了巴蜀重要城市的发展状况;另外,明清时期巴蜀地区的场镇发展繁荣一时,成为城镇之下的一个完善的体系,本文对明清时期巴蜀场镇的发展、分布及类型也做了一定的分析、总结与研究。元明清时期巴蜀地区的建筑高度发展,类型繁多、数量庞大,巴蜀地区现存已知的元代建筑约有7处,明代建筑约30余处,另有上千处清代建筑,所以对巴蜀元明清时期建筑的研究是以分类为基础,按功能将巴蜀建筑大致分为宗教建筑、祠庙建筑、会馆建筑、住宅、园林等等,然后针对不同类型的建筑对其在元明清时期的发展演变以及空间布局、建造结构等特征进行阐述与研究,同时列举典型性案例加以佐证。建筑的营造技术也是建筑史的重要组成部分,巴蜀地区的建筑营造技术也极具地方特色,如穿斗构架以其灵活多变,适应性强等特点成为了巴蜀建筑最鲜明的营造技术特征;另外,巴蜀地区的空斗墙、夯土技术也独具特色。本文以建筑材料分类,分别对巴蜀地区木构建筑的大木作技术、砖作技术、石作技术以及土工技术的特点进行论述与总结。

【Abstract】 The architecture of BaShu Area has a relatively independent development system.Especially in Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties, the BaShu Area’s architecture was into a highly prosperous period of development,and left a rich architectural heritage for future generations.In this thesis, the object of study is the architecture history of BaShu area in Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties. Through the study of the literature and the field research on the buildings, this thesis is to research the features and developing of the cities, architecture and architectural technology at Bashu area.In the first part, this thesis outlines the social backgroundand the architecturl development of BaShu Area in Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties and analyzes the impact of social, economic and cultural on architecture. Then this thesis makes more detailed analysis respectively on city-building and the developing of architecture and architectural technology at Bashu area in Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties.In the part of city-building, through the study of the literature, this thesis analyzes the distribution situation of the main cities at Bashu and the relationship between city development and area traffic. Depend on the interpretation of history maps, this thesis gives opinions on the inscape and architectural developing of the major cities at Bashu. Chengdu and Chongqing for example, this thesis analyzes the development of the main cities at Bashu. In addition, the towns at Bashu was thriving in Ming and Qing dynasties and became a perfect system under the cities’system, so this thesis does some necessary analysis, research and summarize about the development, distribution and type of the towns at Bashu.In Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties, the architecture at Bashu developed highly. As the result of the progressive development, Bashu area had varieties of architecture and the number of architecture was huge. Now, Bashu area has 7 buildings built in Yuan dynasty, about 30 buildings built in Ming dynasty and more than 1000 buildings built in Qing dynasty. Because of the huge number, the research of the architecture at Bashu is base on the classification of architecture. The architecture at Bashu is classified by function into the ecclesiastical buildings, commemorating buildings, guildhalls, residence, gardens and so on. Then this thesis analyzes and studies the characteristics of the evolution, the spatial arrangement and the constitution in Yuan Ming and Qing ?dynasties. Then the typical cases is cited to support theBecause of BaShu Area in the Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties as a type of architecture and a large number, so the construction of Ba is classified based on religious buildings, respectively, Temple Building, Hall buildings, homes, gardens and other different types of development and construction of space and layout of features described and research, while typical cases cited to support.the views.Architectural construction techniques is also an important part of architectural history, the architectural construction techniques at Bashu area also has very local features. Because of the smart constitution and the wide land range, the column and tie construction became the most obvious construction feature of the architecture at Bashu area. In addition, the hollow bond wall and the rammed loam technology at Bashu area also show unique characteristics.The architectural construction techniques at Bashu is classified by material into the timber technology, the masonry technology and the rammed loam technology in this thesis in order to analyzes and summarizes the characteristic of the architectural construction techniques at Bashu area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

