

Measurement System of Visible Spectrophotometer Based on ARM

【作者】 刘茜

【导师】 陈骥;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 生物医学工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 可见分光光度计是利用分光光度法对物质进行定量定性分析的仪器,广泛应用于临床医学、医药、毒理学检测、卫生防疫、农业、工业等领域。我国在分光光度计方面的研究始于20世纪60年代后期,晚于欧美等发达国家。通过借鉴国外产品的先进技术和自主创新,我国的分光光度计已形成产业化,能生产高中低不同档次的产品。但是,国产仪器多数采用单片机系统限制了仪器的使用性能。鉴于嵌入式ARM技术的高性能、低功耗、低成本优势,使得其在现代医疗仪器领域得到了广泛的应用。因此本课题将结合该优势,设计一种基于ARM的可见分光光度计测量系统,提高产品的数据处理能力与稳定性、降低生产成本、增加产品功能和延长产品的生命周期。根据嵌入式ARM和可见分光光度计的特点,将测量系统划分为光学系统、数据采集模块、微处理器模块、人机交互模块和通讯接口模块。光学系统采用棱镜分光,获得测试所需的单色光;数据采集模块选用硅光电二极管、MAX406运算放大器以及16位A/D转换器AD7705,使其完成信号的光电转换,放大和模数转换;微处理模块由S3C2410核心板及其外围电路组成,实现系统的总体控制,复位,供电以及引导程序下载等功能;人机交互模块通过LCD提供友好的交互界面,矩阵键盘和触摸屏协调工作实现参数输入和功能选择,SD卡保存检测结果便于查询与存储;通讯接口包含了USB接口,串口和网口,实现系统与USB接口设备、串行接口设备、电脑、网络设备的连接。在系统的性能测试中,根据可见分光光度计的性能检测要求和《中华人民共和国国家计量检定规程》JJG178-2007号紫外、可见、近红外分光光度计检定规程,进行了灵敏度、透射比最大误差、透射比重复性、T-A换挡偏差、吸收光谱曲线的绘制、标准曲线的绘制和样品的测定等相关实验。由实验数据可知系统的灵敏度、透射比最大误差以及重复性均满足计量检定规程中相关要求,T-A换挡偏差较小,并且系统能实现吸收光谱曲线绘制、标准曲线绘制以及样品的检测功能。

【Abstract】 Visible Spectrophotometer is used to conduct qualitative material analysis of instrument by using spectrophotometry. It is widely used in clinical medicine, pharmaceutical, toxicology detection, health epidemic prevention, agriculture, industry and some other fields. In China, study on visible spectrophotometer started in the late 1960s, which was later than the occident. By learning the advanced technology of foreign products and independent innovation, the visible spectrophotometer has been industrialized in China. However, the slather of MCU system limited the service performance of instrument. In view of the advantages of high-performance, low power, low-cost, embedded system widely used in the field of modern medical equipment. In order to improve data processing capacity and stability, reduce production cost, increase product functionality and extend the product life cycle, a measurement system of visible spectrophotometer based on ARM is designed in this topic.According to the feature of embedded ARM and visible spectrophotometer, this measurement system is divided into a optical system, a data acquisition module, a microprocessor module, a human-computer interaction module and a communication interface module. The optical system uses prism splitter to obtain the necessary experimental monochromatic. The data acquisition module consists of the silicon photodiode, the MAX406 operational amplifier and a 16-bit A/D converter AD7705 to complete signal photoelectric conversion, amplification and analog-digital conversation. The S3C2410 micro-processing module consists of the core board and its peripheral circuits, achieving overall system controlling, resetting, power supplying and guide program and functions downloading. The human-computer interaction module provides a friendly interface through the LCD, implements parameter inputting and function selection by matrix keyboard and touch screen coordination work, and saves the test results in SD card in order to easily querying and storage. The communication interface module includes the USB interfaces, the serial ports and the network port. And this model connects the USB interface device, serial interface devices, computers and network devices.According to the performance testing experiments of the visible spectrophotometer and the <PRC national metrological verification regulations of ultraviolet>, tests experiments were carried out on indexes of visible, near-infrared spectrophotometers, design of sensitivity, the most error of transmittance, the repeatability of transmittance, T-A shift deviation, absorption curve drawing, standard curve drawing and sample. It showed in the experimental data that the sensitivity, the most error of transmittance and the repeatability of transmittance of the visible spectrophotometer meets the relevant requirements of the JJG178-2007 ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared spectrophotometers measurement verification regulations, T-A shift deviation is small, and the system can complete the absorption curve and standard curve drawing and the samples testing.

【关键词】 可见分光光度计嵌入式系统ARMLinux
【Key words】 Visible SpectrophotometerEmbeded SystemARMLinux
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

