

Research and Application of Five-step Evaluation Method in Prevention and Control of Coal Mine Roof Accident

【作者】 刘玉玲

【导师】 刘玉洲;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由于我国安全管理手段相对发达国家落后以及煤矿安全生产工作的复杂性,煤矿事故,尤其是煤矿顶板垮落引起的死亡事故时有发生。在现阶段,具有资质的评价机构数量非常有限,他们所从事的评价只是高层次的系统评价,而对日常瞬时变化的煤矿生产系统不可能进行面面俱到的详细评价。煤矿企业和其他企业一样,60%~90%的事故是人为事故,操作者个体是保证系统安全的最主要因素。就现在的安全评价体制来看,作为设备操作者的工人没有安全评价资质,基本不参与任何安全评价,甚至绝大多数工人从来接触不到安评机构提供的评价报告。①针对以上问题本文提出了一种新的安全管理方法,即煤矿所有人员对操作层面上的简单、快速评价方法——五步法,并对其原理、实施步骤进行了详细的阐述。②五步法根据危险源理论与事故致因理论总结出了顶板事故的指标体系。在进行风险辨识的过程中,创造性的提出改进的层次分析法,并利用这种方法与专家打分法相结合来确定系统中各个危险因素的权重,并利用专家打分辅以工人参与的方法对危险因素进行评价,然后统计出安全因素隶属度,最后利用模糊综合评价法建立数学模型确定安全等级。③在应用五步法的风险控制中,根据安全等级实施风险控制,利用控制论的原理和方法,提出了煤矿事故的前馈控制、反馈控制和自组织控制方法。通过这几种风险控制方法的实施最终实现闭环控制。在反馈控制方面,提出了红、黄、绿三级预警控制方式,并对预警控制每一级别的颜色确定了取值范围。④通过两个煤矿的现场分析和应用,证明五步法在煤矿顶板事故的防治和应用中取得了比较明显的效果,并为煤矿顶板灾害的精细安全管理开辟了一条新路。⑤根据论文研究的内容,采用Activex组件技术,利用VB等开发工具和Access语言数据库,开发了五步安全管理应用软件系统。该系统包括系统登录子系统、综合信息管理子系统、分析决策支持子系统、安全知识库子系统、系统管理子系统和退出注销子系统。论文详细说明了系统的设计、功能的实现以及应用方法。

【Abstract】 Due to outdated measures of safety management are still allied in some coal mines, coal mine disaster especially roof collapse incidents happen from time to time. At this stage, licensed Risk Assessment Firms are very limited in numbers. Most of them are conducting high level system safety evaluations for coal mines and there is no way for them to carry out very detailed risk assessments for all workers and working locations. Same as other enterprises, 60%~90% of roof collapse incidents are caused by human error. Therefore, individual workers are major contributors to the safety for roof control. As individual workers are not licensed for conducting system risk assessment, they are not involved in any risk assessment process, even most worker have no assess to any system risk assessment reports issued by licensed Risk Assessment Firm.Aimed at solving the above mensioned problem, this thesis proposed a new safety management concept, ie all operators are involved in conducting field level, rapid risk assessment– 5-step method. The principle and procedures of usage are also discussed.The 5-step method combines the risk/hazard sources theory into roof collapse incident model, and an index system is proposed to evaluate the severeness of roof collapse incident potential. In the process of identification of risk/hazard, Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process is proposed. A mathematical model is established by means of applying the scoring system of various risk factor weights given by each expert, using this method and the participation of workers to evaluate risk factors. A final index or weight is determined and agreed by each member of expert team.In the five-step method of risk control, risk control decision is made according to safety leve. By using principles and methods of cybernetics, coal mine accident feedforward control, feedback control, and self-organizing control methods are proposed. In feedforward control, risk factor control, interaction control of risk factors methods are applied. In feedback control, three early-warning (red, yellow, green) control mode is proposed, and each level range is setted. Through the implementation of these methods, a closed-loop control in safety management is to be achieved successfully.Through analyzing the data collected from two coal mines (Long-quan and Da-ning coal mines) and applying the 5-step method on them, a significant result is achieved. It is hopefully that a new way is to be found for detailed safety management of roof hazard in coal mines.According to contents of the research, an application system for 5-step mothods is developed using Activex components, VB interface and Access database. The system includes registry sub-system, integrated management sub-system, analysis and decision support sub-system, security knowledge base sub-system, system management and exit off sub-system. The thesis shows the details of the system structure, system design, system functions and application conditions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

