

Application Research on Power Monitoring of Wireless Sensor Networks

【作者】 刘克恒

【导师】 吴言荪;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着传感器技术、现代无线通信技术、微型计算机技术和微机电系统的飞速发展,无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)作为一种新的数据采集技术,在国防安全、环境监控、健康监测、智能家居、数据量采集等领域得到了越来越广泛的应用。本文在研究WSN常用网络结构和协议基础上,结合电力系统现场状态监控和电能表数据采集的实际需要,对原有基于GPRS(General Packet Radio Service,通用分组无线业务)远程抄表/监视系统进行了硬件和软件上的改进和完善。提出将WSN技术与GPRS技术结合构成用电现场远程监控和数据采集系统的设想,将整个系统结构划分为现场终端节点、现场汇聚节点和远程监控中心三层次,设计、制作并调试了现场节点的硬件电路,完成了汇聚节点与监控中心间的数据传输。同时设计了汇聚节点同终端节点构成的数据帧结构、射频(Radio frequency,RF)网络自组织处理流程和数据存储转发机制,进行了射频通信试验。本文主要完成了以下三个方面的工作:第一,分析了几种常用的WSN网络结构和传输协议的特点,在此基础上完成了适合于本系统的WSM三层次结构设计、数据帧结构设计、程序处理流程设计等,并进行了射频网络传输试验,结果表明此设计符合实际需求;第二,提出将WSN技术与商用移动通信技术结合以构成电力现场电能表数据无线采集和现场状态监控网络的思想,以完成被监测设备与远方监控中心的信息交换,实现远程数据采集和控制,建立电能仪表和用电现场与Internet间的物联网;第三,改造了现有远程无线抄表/监视系统的现场单元,重新设计了硬件结构,增加了电能表失压失流报警输入及两个预留报警输入接口,增强现场监控功能;增加了一个外部带隔离的标准RS-232接口并连接外部红外摄像头,实现现场多点、多角度照片采集;增加了射频通信模块,用于构成覆盖现场的RF通信网络,实现全方位、无盲点监控;修改了存储器单元,使用新型铁电存储器,增大了存储器容量。并完善了软件程序,扩充了系统的功能,在原有采集DL/T-645-1997国产电能表常用数据基础上,修改为采集所有数据;增加了采集IEC1107国外电能表数据的程序;同时对反馈给用户信息由原来的英文全部改为中文,增强了可读性。目前此硬件模块和软件程序均通过测试,阶段性成果已投入现场实际运行。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of sensor technology, modern wireless communication technology, micro-computer technology and micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS), the wireless sensor network(WSN) as a new data acquisition technology, has gained more and more applications in the fields of national security, environment and health monitoring, smart home system, and data acquisition, etc.This paper proposed an improve method for hardware and software design of GPRS remote reading/ monitoring system to adapt to demands of field state monitoring and watt-hour meter data acquisition, based on the investigation of present network protocols and structures of WSN. In the proposed method, WSN is combined with GPRS to establish a three-level remote reading/ monitoring system, which was consists of the terminal node, the convergent node and the remote monitor center. Hardware of terminal node is designed and manufactured, and data transmission between convergent node and remote monitor center is implemented in the paper. In addition, this paper also designed the data frame structure of terminal node and convergent node, the data processing flow of self-organizing RF network, and carried out RF communication test.The main works of this paper are as follow:1) The three-level WSN structure, the data frame structure, and the program flows are designed after analyzing network structures and protocols of conventional WSN. RF communication tests are carried out to verify the practicality of the design.2) WSN is combined with Commercial mobile communication technology, establishing a field state monitoring and watt-hour meter data acquisition network. The network is used to implement information exchange between monitored equipment and monitoring center, remote data acquisition and control, and to establish the epc system network between the field power consumption and the Internet.3) This paper greatly changed field unit of the field state monitoring and watt-hour meter data acquisition system. Hardware and software are also re-designed to improve and perfect the system performance:Increase an under-voltage or under-current alarm interface as well as another two reserved alarm interfaces;An infrared camera with standard RS-232 interface was added to the system to acquit multi-point and multi-angle photos; RF communication modules are added to the system to establish a field-covered RF network to realize omnibearing monitoring;Memory capacity are extended with ferroelectric memory;All data of domestic watt-hour meter (with DL/T-645-1997) can be collected;Data can also be collected from foreign watt-hour meter (with IEC1107);Information that responds to users are changed from English to Chinese to improve readability.The above functions of established systems are verified with field tests.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

