

A Study on China’s Donation System

【作者】 郑夏

【导师】 李华燊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会保障, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 2008年5月12日,我国四川省汶川县发生了8.0级大地震。地震之后,社会各界的慈善捐赠活动迅速开展起来。慈善捐赠,作为社会财富的第三次分配手段,是弘扬互助友爱精神和建设积极向上的社会伦理道德的最好途径和方式,具有化解社会矛盾等重要作用。本文结合汶川地震捐赠情况分析我国慈善捐赠机制现状,进行相应的研究,提出促进慈善捐赠机制发展的方法和途径,从而能够使慈善事业更好地服务于和谐社会的构建。文章按照对捐赠机制现状的描述、分析现状中存在的不足从而提出建议的思路展开研究。首先,对地震捐赠情况进行了简单描述和相关个案研究。其次,针对我国的慈善捐赠机制展开探讨,主要包括捐赠募集机制,分为动员、激励两个方面;慈善捐赠的管理,包括款物使用的标准和人群;此外还有关于捐赠监督的研究。最后,在捐赠机制的改善途径方面,从捐赠的募集、管理、监督机制等几个方面给出几点对策建议,对目前的机制提出改革方案。本文主要采用文献研究和个案研究相结合的方法,试图充分结合此次汶川地震的有关数据资料,研究我国慈善捐赠机制的现状,提供一个能够使我国的慈善捐赠机制更加有效率运行的方法和途径。研究基本结论为进一步发挥我国体制化捐赠的优势,促进捐赠以及激励的宣传和加强有关法律的建设。另外,由于研究时间距地震发生比较接近,在资料和数据的查阅上存在着一定的难度。另外,突发灾害不可能实行模拟操作。受研究内容之所限,文章提出的某些建议可能存在操作性不强的问题。这些研究中出现的具体问题还需要我们在这方面研究经验的不断积累和深化来解决。

【Abstract】 The 8.0-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake in southwest China’s Sichuan Province claimed the lives of nearly 70,000 people and destroyed homes of millions. The donation campaigns started across the country after the quake. Charity, the third means of distributing social wealth, is one of the best ways to enhance the spirit of mutual-help and friendship and to build construct social moral and ethics. It can narrow the income gap and address social conflicts. The research studies the national donation system based on the analysis of the status quo of the charitable donations. It raises better ways to promote the system and make the charitable activities serve the construction of harmonious society.The paper consists of three parts: it describes the current situation of the donation system, analyzes the shortcomings and raises suggestions. Firstly, the researcher studies how to collect and use donations (including the receivers and the standard).This part also includes the discussion on how to supervise the donations. Secondly, the paper studies the donations in the Wenchuan earthquake and analyzes the ways to guarantee the system runs smoothly and orderly. Thirdly, the paper makes suggestions on how to better collect, manage and supervise donations.The paper focuses on the data in the Wenchuan earthquake to study China’s donation system, analyzing its present situation and shortcomings. The research is conducted shortly after the quake, making it difficult to collect the materials and data. Besides, the research investigates why the donations are insufficient and ineffective within the framework of the current system rather than based on the simulated disasters. A few suggestions may prove to have no operability. Some specific problems can be solved only after continuous improvement of the donation system in the future disaster-relief.

  • 【分类号】D632.9
  • 【下载频次】199

