

The Model Study on Intracity Village-based on the Transformation

【作者】 孔庆贺

【导师】 李华燊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 城中村现象是我国实行城乡二元体制结构的特殊背景下,在城市化进程加快的过程中出现的城市包围农村的普遍现象。城中村在一定时期内对城市的快速发展起到了积极作用。但同时,城中村被称为“藏污纳垢”的地方,其负面影响已成为城市健康和谐发展的巨大阻力。河南省济源市济水(简称济水)位于济源市中心,是济源的商贸中心和文化中心,其八个城中村也分布于市区繁华地带和中心位置。为了加快济源城市化建设,实施城乡一体化战略,提升城市品位,济水城中村改造势在必行。事实上,城中村不仅是一种居住形态,也是一种社会形态,是血缘地缘等初级社会关系的凝结。本研究从应用社会学的角度,阐述了城中村的相关概念、缘由以及济水城中村改造的必要性和可行性,通过借鉴国内部分城市不同的城中村改造模式的经验,立足于济水城中村的现状,选择济水城中村的改造模式,即“政府引导,市场运作,规划先行,试点带动”,坚持“一村一案”,成熟一个改造一个。基于济水目前的城中村改造处于起步阶段,改造中面临一些困难和阻力,本研究从以下几个方面提出一些对策和建议,希望有助于进一步推进济水的城中村改造工作:(1)制定合理的拆迁政策;(2)加快集体经济股份制改造;(3)完善居民的社会保障体系。这三个问题的妥善解决将有助于济水城中村改造的顺利完成,加速济源的城市化进程。

【Abstract】 Villages in the city is China’s urban-rural dual structure to implement the special background, to speed up the urbanization process in the process of the city surrounded by a common phenomenon in rural areas. Villages in a certain period of time the rapid development of the city has played a positive role. But at the same time, villages in the city known as the "filth" place, with its negative effects has become a healthy and harmonious development of the city’s tremendous resistance. Therefore, the transformation of villages in the city has now become the consensus. Ji-water district offices (hereinafter referred to relief of water) is located in Jiyuan City, is jiyuan the business center and cultural center, the eight villages in the city are also located in the city District area and the center of downtown. In order to speed up the construction of Jiyuan City, upgrading of urban quality, economic reform must be city water.In this study, the relevance of the concept of the city, as well as the economic causes of the water villages of the necessity and feasibility of the transformation, through the domestic part of the city from different villages in the city experience the transformation model, based on the economic status of the water villages, select the relief of the city water transformation model, that is, "government guidance and market operation, planning ahead, the pilot-led" and insisting that "the case of a village," a transformation of a mature.Relief based on the current city water at the initial stage of transformation, the transformation is facing some difficulties and resistance, this study from the following In a number of measures and put forward proposals for the water help to further promote the economic transformation of the city: (1) development of reasonable relocation policy; (2) to speed up joint-stock transformation of the collective economy; (3) improve the population’s social security system. These three issues will help to properly resolve the economic transformation of the water villages of the successful completion of the accelerated urbanization process jiyuan.

【关键词】 济水城中村改造改造模式
【Key words】 Francis WaterCity transformationTransformation model
  • 【分类号】C912.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】545

