

Managerial Situation and Countermeasure Research of Knowledge Worker in CJ Daily Newspaper

【作者】 王净

【导师】 廖建桥;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随国内报业纵深发展以及我国加入WTO后,传统报业面临国内外的竞争愈加激烈,其生存和发展很大程度上取决于人才。基于此,越来越多的报业管理者认识到以报业采编人员为主体的知识员工的重要性。不过,由于种种原因,大多数报社在知识员工管理方面却依旧存在这样或那样的不足。如何做好知识员工的开发、培养、使用是国内报业现阶段面临的现实问题,亟待探索建立一套合理、科学、适合国情的知识员工管理制度和机制。本文尝试对中部一家副省级城市机关报知识员工管理的实际情况进行解剖,力求从以下四个方面对报社行业的知识员工管理问题进行探讨。首先,本文分析了本文研究对报社行业乃至媒体行业知识员工管理的借鉴意义;其次运用PEST模型分析报社行业的现状,回顾并分析了国内外关于报业行业特点、人力资源研究、知识员工管理等问题的研究成果;然后简要介绍了CJ日报社现状,厘清报业知识员工概念,从CJ日报职工中划出知识员工的范围,并运用“5P”模型分析其知识员工岗位设计、选拔培养、绩效考核、薪酬管理以及工作激情的现状,找出存在的问题;最后,创造性地提出对CJ日报知识员工管理推行人力资源战略规划,进行知识员工职业生涯规划,重新设计CJ日报知识员工薪酬体系等解决方案和思路,并展望了本文选题的研究前景及实施方案的可行性分析和本文研究对其余报社的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 After entering WTO, with the burgeoning newspapering, traditional press has to face up fierce competition stemming from either domestic or international business. Needless to say, its existence and development is substantially resting on intellectuals. Hence, more and more executives have recognized the importance of workers most of whom are working in Acquisition and Cataloguing department. However, for most of press agencies, the attempts to manage the knowledge worker well have failed. Then, how to explore potential worker and how to cultivate, employ them are also crucial problems faced by the internal newspapering. Consequently, the establishment of a reasonable, scientific administrative system and institution that accords to the national situation is expecting.In this article, the author tries to provide a deep investigation to the reality of a sub-provincial newspaper regarding the management of knowledge workers. So, the author would like to probe into this issue from the following four aspects. First, this article can be used as future reference to the whole business; second, PEST modal is employed while analyzing the current situation of the press and review the accomplishments the internal and external institution have achieved in terms of the characteristics of press, human resource research and knowledge worker management; Then, it briefly introduces the current situation of CJ Daily Newspaper and clarified the basic conception of knowledge worker; also, it selects knowledge worker within a given frame, and utilize 5P modal to analyze the design of position which best fit the knowledge worker, selection and cultivation, performance evaluation, salary management and state of working enthusiasm and finally figure out what the underlying problem is. Eventually, it creatively put forward a long-term plan for implementing human resource strategy in relation to management of knowledge worker and help them best plan their professional career. Meanwhile, it gives a new resolution and provides a new way of thinking to the salary allocation system and speculate the research prospective of this topic, feasibility of this new proposal and the profound impact it may bring to other newspaper offices.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;G219.2-F
  • 【下载频次】93

