

An Empirical Research on the Effects of Personality Factors on Socially Responsible Consumption Behavior

【作者】 高会萍

【导师】 阎俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近三十年来,在不正确价值观的驱动下,过度消费、非理性消费给自然环境和社会造成的严重后果日益凸显出来,已经成为制约经济发展的瓶颈。和谐消费是实现社会、经济可持续发展的重要方面。要真正实现和谐消费,不仅需要政府和企业的努力,也需要消费者的付出。国内对社会责任消费行为的研究还比较少,社会责任消费行为也并没有引起大多数消费者的重视,本研究欲从个性因素的角度来研究消费者社会责任消费行为的影响因素。本研究采用规范的实证方法,在阅读国内外文献的基础上对社会责任消费行为进行分类,并提出了社会责任意识和自我实现需求两个自变量对社会责任消费行为影响作用的理论假设和模型,通过问卷调查收集数据,并对提出的模型进行检验分析。文章的最后并对研究的主要结论、营销启示和研究的局限性作了讨论。本研究的结果表明,社会责任意识和自我实现需求对消费者的互惠利他性社会责任消费行为是有显著影响的,而只有自我实现需求对纯粹利他型社会责任消费行为有显著的影响。社会责任意识更能够解释纯粹利他性社会责任消费行为,而自我实现更能够纯粹利他性社会责任消费行为。这些研究不仅弥补了我国相关研究的空白,测量了本土的社会责任消费行为的影响因素,同时也对政府推动责任消费行为,实现和谐消费以及对企业实施企业社会责任和进行有针对性的营销具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 In the recently three decades, because of the positive values, the serious consequences of over-consumption and non-rational consumption have growled up, some consequences have become the bottleneck to constrain economic development. Harmony consumption is an indispensable part to achieve sustainable development of social and economic. To realize the harmonious consumption, it’s not only depended on the efforts of governments and enterprises, but also on the consumers. The research of Socially Responsible Consumption Behavior (SRCB) is still relatively small in domestic, and most consumers are not pay attention to SRCB, this study will study the impact of factors on SRCB from the perspective of personality factors.This study uses the empirical method, and classifies the consumer behavior on the base of the literature at home and abroad. The theory and model of the impact of socially responsible and self-fulfillment needs on SRCB have been proposed. The study collects data through a questionnaire survey,then tests the model. Finally the main conclusions of the research, marketing inspiration and the limitations of the study are discussed.The results of this study show that awareness of social responsible and self-motivation has a significant influence on the social responsible consumption behavior of reciprocal altruism; and only the motives of self-realization has a significant impact on social responsible consumption behavior of purely altruism, but the awareness of social responsibility doesn’t. This article further studies the differences of the impact of factors on the behavior, and found that the more strongly self-motivated, the more consumers will be inclined to do social responsible consumption behavior. These studies not only make up the gap of related research, but also have certain significance for the government to promote responsible consumption and businesses targeted marketing.

  • 【分类号】F126.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】231

