

Study on Head Disk System Stability of Hdd with Ultra-low Flying Height

【作者】 张立邦

【导师】 周功业;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自1956年IBM发明第一块硬盘以来,硬盘技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,硬盘的应用也越来越广泛。自二十世纪九十年代,硬盘面密度保持60%的年增长率增长。特别是1998年后,随着GMR (Giant Magneto Resistance)磁头的引入,面密度年增长率更是达到了100%。随着存储密度的不断提高,硬盘磁头与盘片之间的距离(即磁头飞行高度)必须更低。当磁头飞行高度降低到10 nm以下时,传统的空气薄膜润滑模型遇到挑战,磁头与盘片界面短程作用力对磁头运动产生重要影响,特别是分子间作用力。从两分子的分子间作用力模型出发,结合磁头盘片界面多层结构,推导磁头盘片界面分子间作用力模型。鉴于分子间作用力会降低磁头盘片系统空气轴承承载力,同时引起磁头运动的不稳定性,继而在所得磁头盘片界面分子间作用力模型基础上研究了润滑剂层厚度、磁头飞行倾角和滚翻角以及空气轴承表面(air bearing surface,ABS)形状等相关因素对分子间作用力的影响。通过系统仿真,结果表明:添加润滑层可以明显降低磁头盘片界面分子间作用力;分子间作用力随磁头飞行倾角和滚翻角的增加而减小,在条件允许的情况下应尽量增加磁头飞行倾角和滚翻角;ABS形状对磁头盘片界面分子间作用力有显著影响,在不影响滑块空气动力学特性的情况下应尽量减小其尾部垫片的面积。仿真结果为指导实际高密度硬盘头盘系统设计提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Since IBM invented the first hard disk drive(HDD) in 1956, the development of hard disk technology is amazing, and the applications of hard disks is more and more extensive. The areal density increased at a rate of 60% per year after 1990. Especially, the areal density increased at a rate of 100% per year since the GMR head was introduced in 1998. With the areal density increased continually, the distance between the head and disk had to be reduced. When the flying height is lower than 10 nm, traditional air bearing lubricant model faces to a challenge, and the short-range forces between the head and disk surface have great effect to the motion of the head, especially the intermolecular force.In this paper the intermolecular force model between the head and disk is derived from the intermolecular force model between two molecules Lennard-Jones potential based on the multilayer structure of the head disk system. As intermolecular force will reduce the adhesion force of the air bearing of the head disk system and cause the instability of the head, the influences of the intermolecular force on head-disk interface are analyzed in detail, such as the thickness of the lubricant film, the pitch angle, the roll angle and the air bearing surface.Numerical simulation results show that: a lubricant film reduces the intermolecular force greatly, however a further increase of the lubricant film thickness only gives a minor reduction of the intermolecular force; Increase of pitch angle and roll angle will reduce the intermolecular force; ABS affects the intermolecular force greatly and the intermolecular force can be reduced by reducing the trailing pad of ABS. This provides a theory basis for the design of air bearing slider with high recording density.

  • 【分类号】TP333.35
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】51

