

Dynamic Reconstruction of Coronary Directed by Cardiovascular Dynamic Model

【作者】 孙祥平

【导师】 张天序;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 X射线造影作为检测心血管疾病的“金标准”一直是医生最常采用的手段之一,然而随着科学的发展,二维的X射线血管造影图像已经不能满足医学检测的要求,医生们需要更为直观的三维甚至四维的血管图像,来定量地检测血管病变的有关参数,以及心脏和血管的运动情况,从而得到更加精确和全面的检查结果。而冠状动脉血管动态的三维重建就可以解决这个问题。本文将冠状动脉血管动态的三维重建这个大问题,分成了一系列的小问题进行研究,包括冠状动脉特性视图的建立,呼吸运动的提取,以及动态模型指导的动态的血管三维重建。文中首先提出了一种冠状动脉动态特性视图的概念。将三维投影空间分成一些小的区间,根据X射线造影原理在每个投影空间对自建的冠状动脉三维动态模型进行投影,建立冠状动脉的动态特性视图。通过各个角度的动态特性视图一方面对冠状动脉的运动有了一个更全面的了解,另一方面可以用来对造影图中的血管进行运动补偿。在X射线造影图中,冠状动脉会由于人体的呼吸和心脏的运动而发生运动。根据呼吸运动和心脏运动各自的特点,通过傅立叶级数变换结合频域滤波的方法进行呼吸和心脏运动的分离,提取呼吸运动曲线,并对心脏的运动进行分析。在单臂造影的图像中,由于造影图时间上的不对应无法进行血管的三维重建。通过从造影图序列中提取的呼吸运动曲线将进行重建的两幅造影图补偿到同一个呼吸运动时相,并通过心脏和冠脉血管的三维动态模型将造影图补偿到同一个心脏运动时相,然后对补偿后的造影图进行重建。实验证明呼吸运动和心脏运动补偿都达到了很好的效果。

【Abstract】 As the‘key criterion’, X-ray angiography is the most frequently used method to examine the cardiovascular disease. With the development of the science, two-dimensional angiographic images can not fulfill the requirement of the medical detection. The doctors need the more intuitionist three-dimensional or four-dimensional cardiovascular images, to measure the pathological changes of the vessels, and movement, so as to get a more precise and all-rounded detection result, which can be solved by the dynamic 3D reconstruction of the coronary artery. In the article, we divide this big problem into some small problems, including the establishment of the dynamic characteristic views of the coronary artery, the separation of the cardiac and respiratory movement from the angiographic images, and the dynamic 3D reconstruction of the coronary directed by the dynamic model of the cardiac and coronary.Firstly, a kind of dynamic characteristic views of the coronary model is brought out. Divide the 3D projection space into some small zones, and then project the self-constructed dynamic model of the coronary in each zone, to construct the dynamic characteristic views. From the dynamic characteristic views we have got a more profound recognition of the movement of the coronary on the one side, on the other they can be utilized for the cardiac movement compensation of the coronary arteries.In the X-ray angiographic images, the coronary will move as the result of the human respiratory movement and cardiac contraction. According to the characteristics of the respiratory movement and cardiac contraction, spread the cardiac contraction in the Fourier series, and then filter the components of the cardiac contraction from the frequency field of the coronary image series to get the respiratory component. De-transform the respiratory movement from the frequency filed to the time-zone, we can get the respiratory movement of the coronary separately.In the single-plane angiographic images, the 3D reconstruction of the coronary can’t be done because of the un-correspondence of the time. First using the respiratory movement retrieved from the angiographic images, compensate the two images which are used to reconstruct the 3D coronary arteries to the same phase in one respiratory period. And then compensate the two images to the same phase of the cardiac periodic movement by the dynamic model of dynamic model of the cardiac and coronary model. Finally the coronary can be reconstructed from the compensated images. Very good results of the compensation have been shown in the experiments.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】59

