

The Fabrication of Nano-magnetoelectric Films by Electrophoretic Deposition Method

【作者】 刘牛

【导师】 周东祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题利用溶胶-凝胶法制备了纳米级的钛酸钡(BaTiO3)粉体,利用共沉积法制备了钴铁氧体(CoFe2O4)粉体。对胶体悬浮液的配制进行了探索,采取乙醇加乙酰丙酮的体系,配制出了稳定的BaTiO3、CoFe2O4、NiFe2O4胶体悬浮液。对胶体悬浮液的运动性质、电学性质和稳定性做了比较深入的研究,从微观上阐述了稳定的胶体悬浮液的形成机制。搭建了简易的电泳沉积平台,对电泳沉积用衬底电极材料Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si和ITO导电膜玻璃做了一定的比较研究。在ITO导电膜玻璃上电泳沉积出了BaTiO3单层膜、CoFe2O4单层膜、NiFe2O4单层膜、BaTiO3-CoFe2O4双层膜、BaTiO3-NiFe2O4双层膜、BaTiO3-CoFe2O4混合膜、BaTiO3-NiFe2O4混合膜。对BaTiO3单层膜而言,沉积电压30V,沉积时间10min可以得到比较合格的BaTiO3单层膜。CoFe2O4单层膜的一般沉积电压为30V,沉积时间为3min。NiFe2O4单层膜的沉积电压是30V,沉积时间取2min。以上三种单层膜的退火工艺都是以250℃/h的升温速率,550℃下保温20min。制得合格的BaTiO3单层膜后,在其上面继续电泳沉积CoFe2O4或者NiFe2O4,这样就得到了BaTiO3-CoFe2O4双层膜或者BaTiO3-NiFe2O4双层膜。用BaTiO3粉体和CoFe2O4粉体配制成的混合悬浮液,可以电泳沉积得到BaTiO3-CoFe2O4混合膜。BaTiO3粉体和NiFe2O4粉体配制成的混合悬浮液,可电泳沉积BaTiO3-NiFe2O4混合膜。对薄膜的表面形貌和电磁性能做了分析。BaTiO3单层膜的铁电性能较好,CoFe2O4单层膜和NiFe2O4单层膜的铁磁性能较好。由于双层膜和混合膜表面都一定程度地存在漏电流,所以其铁电性能不理想。相比较而言,BaTiO3-CoFe2O4双层膜和BaTiO3-CoFe2O4混合膜的矫顽力和剩磁较大,但是漏电流过大,铁电性能不理想;BaTiO3-NiFe2O4双层膜和BaTiO3-NiFe2O4混合膜的矫顽力和剩磁很小,属于明显的软磁材料,其铁电性能比BaTiO3-CoFe2O4双层膜和BaTiO3-CoFe2O4混合膜的好一些。

【Abstract】 Prepare nano-barium titanate (BaTiO3) powders by a sol-gel method, and prepare ironcobalt (CoFe2O4) powders by a co-deposition method.Find out a suitable way to prepare colloidal suspensions, get a stable BaTiO3suspension, CoFe2O4 suspension and NiFe2O4 suspension by the system of acetylacetoneand ethanol. Study the movement, electrical properties and stability of the suspensions,expla in the formation mecha nism of a stable colloidal suspension.Build a simple platform for the electrophoretic deposition, do some studies about thesubstrates such as Pt/Ti/SiO 2/Si and ITO conductive film glass. And then get a BaTiO3single-la yer film, a CoFe2O4 single-la yer film, a NiFe2O4 single-la yer film, a BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 double-la yer film, a BaTiO3-NiFe2O4 double-la yer film, a BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 mixedfilm, a BaTiO3-NiFe2O4 mixed film by the electrophoretic deposition method on ITOconductive film glasses. For the BaTiO3 single-la yer film, the most appropriate depositionvoltage is 30V, deposition time is 10min. For the CoFe2O4 single-la yer film, the commondeposition voltage is 30V, deposition time is 3min. For the NiFe2O4 single-la yer film, thecommon deposition voltage is 30V, deposition time is 2min. And their annealing conditionis sintered at 550℃for 20min.Analyse the surface morphology and electroma gnetic properties of the films. TheBaTiO3 single-la yer film’s ferroelectric properties is not bad, so as the ferroma gneticproperties of the CoFe2O4 single-la yer film or NiFe2O4 single-la yer film. The hysteresis loopis not so well because of the leakage current on the surface of double-la yer and mixed films.Comparatively speaking, the coercivity(Hc) and resid ual ma gnetization(Mr) of BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 double-la yer film and BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 mixed film are higher, but theirferroelectric properties are bad for the large leakage current; the coercivity(Hc) and resid ualma gnetization(Mr) of BaTiO3-NiFe2O4 double-la yer film and BaTiO3-NiFe 2O4 mixed filmare very sma ll, but their ferroelectric properties are better.

  • 【分类号】TB383.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】117

