

Research on Control Technologies of Shunt Active Power Filter

【作者】 姚杰

【导师】 关治洪;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 谐波污染问题向电网供电质量提出了严峻的挑战,有源电力滤波器(APF)做为治理谐波最有效的方案,一度成为国内外研究的热点。随着APF主电路结构逐步走向成熟,电流控制方案的好坏成为影响有源电力滤波器性能的最主要因素之一。现行的控制方法较多,不同的控制算法各有自身优、缺点,针对不同的谐波源选择合适的控制方法,将能够更好的发挥APF系统治理电网谐波的作用。本文以并联型有源电力滤波器作为研究对象,分析了其基本工作原理,建立了数学模型,并以此为基础推导出主电路电容、电感等参数设计原理,为后续仿真研究提供了强有力的理论支持。本文重点将滞环控制、比例积分并联重复控制、迭代PI控制三种控制算法应用于APF系统电流环控制,并进行了深入的对比研究。结合各控制算法的原理,推导了滞环环宽与开关频率的关系函数,提出了重复控制和迭代PI控制在“内模”结构上的一致性。最后本文通过Saber软件搭建了三相三线制并联型APF系统的仿真平台,选用基于瞬时无功功率理论的谐波检测方法,从不同角度对比了三种控制算法下APF系统的性能,给出了仿真波形、频谱分析和对比数据,验证了滞环控制各参数之间的联系、PI+重复控制和迭代PI控制在性能表现上的相似性,并对各控制算法下的APF系统响应速度、稳态精度、动态性能、鲁棒性,以及受开关频率的影响程度等方面进行了详细对比研究,最后对仿真结果进行归纳总结,研究结论对用户针对不同谐波源选取合适的控制算法具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Harmonic pollution is proved to be one serious challenge in the procedure of power supply, Active Power Filter(APF) as the most effective technology in harmonic control, has been one hot research for a one time. With the development of main circuit structure, the performance of APF relies more on control strategy. Though different strategies have their own features, choosing the appropriate strategy against different harmonic source will make APF play a more important role in suppressing the harmonic.In the thesis, the operating principle and mathematical model of shunt APF are analyzed and established, meanwhile design principle of parameters in main circuit, such as capacity, inductance, is also derived, which provide the theoretical support for the follow-up simulation study.The hysteresis control, PI control of parallel repetition, iterative PI control are used to design APF current control respectively, and then the comprehensive compare study is developed. Besides, the functional relationship between hysteresis loop width and switching frequency is proposed, and indicating the consistency in "internal model" structure between repetitive control and iterative PI control.The simulation model of three-phase three-wire shunt APF is established in Saber, the harmonic is detected based on the theory of instantaneous reactive power, and the three control algorithms above are compared in different aspects. Meanwhile, the simulation waveforms and spectrum analysis data are shown in the thesis, which verifies the relationship among parameters in hysteresis control, as well as similarity of repetitive control and iterative control in performance. Using different control algorithm, the response speed, steady-state accuracy, dynamic performance, robustness, impact of switching frequency are compared and studied in detail. At last, the simulation results are summarized for the user to select the appropriate control algorithm, which surely has a considerable reference value.

  • 【分类号】TN713.8
  • 【下载频次】177

