

A Stimulus-Response Compatibility Effect Based on Object Orientation

【作者】 刘盼

【导师】 吴艳红;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 研究通过一系列实验考察了基于客体朝向的刺激-反应一致效应(Stimulus-Response Compatibility,SRC),发现朝向(45°/135°)与反应方式(左/右)之间可形成一致或不一致的空间匹配关系,进而促进或干扰行为反应的发生。同时研究也探讨了注意对此类效应的影响,结果发现:1)单个刺激局部朝向或由多个刺激组成的“知觉客体”整体朝向均可诱发刺激-反应一致效应,但自上而下的注意控制在其中扮演着决定性作用;2)客体朝向是通过诱发注意转移进而自动激活空间编码,最终导致了刺激-反应一致效应的产生。实验一在屏幕中央呈现具有倾斜朝向(45°/135°)的Gabor patch,要求被试通过左右按键判断其对比度高低。结果发现,左手对45°朝向目标的反应显著快于其对135°朝向目标的反应,而右手反应呈现相反模式,即为一种基于客体朝向的SRC效应,表明单纯的客体朝向在认知系统中具有对应的空间表征;实验二通过加入侧翼刺激,并使其与中央刺激可形成具有整体朝向的“知觉客体”,结果发现“知觉客体”整体朝向不影响基于单个刺激局部朝向的SRC效应;实验三则进一步证实,即使在侧翼刺激明显得到认知加工时,基于单个刺激局部朝向的SRC效应仍旧不受“知觉客体”整体朝向的影响。相反,当在实验四中将任务改为对“知觉客体”进行认知加工时,则出现了基于“知觉客体”整体朝向的SRC效应,而此时单个刺激的朝向亦不影响基于整体朝向的SRC效应。由此,实验二、三、四表明自上而下的注意控制对朝向属性是否能够自动激活空间编码进而诱发基于客体朝向的SRC效应具有决定性作用。同时,实验四采用眼动仪追踪了被试的眼睛运动轨迹,结果发现,当“知觉客体”整体朝向为45°(或135°)时,出现更多的“向左”眼跳(或“向右”眼跳)。鉴于前人研究已证实眼跳与注意转移具有密切联系,此眼动数据结果表明,朝向属性是通过诱发注意转移来自动激活相关空间编码进而产生SRC效应。

【Abstract】 The current research investigated an orientation-based Stimulus-Response Compatibility (SRC) effect and found that the relationship between the angled orientation of objects (45°/135°) and response attributes (left/right) could facilitate or interfere with the behavioral output. Meanwhile, the research also examined the influence of attention on this SRC effect, and found 1) either the local orientation of a single stimulus or the global orientation of a“perceptual object”grouped by multiple stimuli can induce the orientation-based SRC effect, in which the top-down attentional control plays a vital role; 2) via inducing a corresponding attentional shift, the object orientation automatically activates a spatial response code and finally leads to the generation of the orientation-based SRC effect.In Experiment 1, a Gabor patch, with an angled orientation of either 45°or 135°, was presented at the center of the screen. Participants were asked to respond to its luminance contrast (high/low) by pressing a left or right button. Results revealed that, left-hand responses to 45°-angled targets were much faster than that to 135°-angled targets, whereas right-hand responses showed a reversed pattern. These results well demonstrates an SRC effect based on object angled orientation and further indicates that, angled orientations have implicit spatial representations in cognitive system.In Experiment 2, four flankers were added and a“perceptual object”with a global orientation could be perceived based on perceptual grouping principles. Results showed the global orientation of the“perceptual object”failed to influence the SRC effect based on the local orientation of the single stimulus; Further investigation was conducted in Experiment 3 and showed that, even though flankers were obviously processed, the local-orientation-based SRC effect remained unaffected by the global orientation of the“perceptual object”. On the contrary, in Experiment 4, when participants were asked to make a cognitive discrimination on the“perceptual object”(judge the grouping type), an SRC effect based on its global orientation appeared and received no influence by the local orientation of the single stimulus. In brief, the results in Experiment 2 to 4 indicate that, the top-down attentional control plays a decisive role in the generation of the orientation-based SRC effect.Meanwhile, eye-tracking technology was employed in Experiment 4 to track the eye-movements during the cognitive process. Results presented that, more“left”saccades were found when the global orientation was 45°, whereas more“right”saccades were shown when the global orientation was 135°. Considering the previous findings that explicit saccades and implicit attentional shift are highly associated, the eye-tracking results indicate that, the orientation attribute of the stimulus automatically induces an attentional shift which activates a corresponding spatial response code and finally leads to the orientation-based SRC effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【下载频次】177

