

Satellite Data Transmission Scheduling Optimization and Visual Simulation Technology

【作者】 廖琼

【导师】 傅忠谦;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 电路与系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国航天技术的不断发展,越来越多的军用、民用卫星发射升空,这些卫星在我国的国防事业中和国民经济发展过程中发挥极其重大的作用。为了适应卫星越来越多、测控服务地面站相对较少的情况,以及更好地实现卫星所设计的任务,必须对卫星的运行进行统筹兼顾地管理和控制。卫星数传调度的目的是在多星多地面站的情况下,综合考虑各项约束,合理地分配卫星及地面站测控资源,大幅提高地面站资源的使用效率,最大限度地满足卫星数传需求。本文分析了卫星的工作流程,详细研究了卫星地面站数传过程及其约束条件。介绍了生产调度中调度问题的三元组表示方法及实用的优化调度算法。研究了卫星数传调度的时间索引{0、1}线性规划模型,并根据拉格朗日松弛的思想提出了拉格朗日启发式及算法。研究了卫星数传调度的单地面站模型,并提出了分支定界求解算法。研究了数传调度问题的树形问题表示方法,对于每个地面站的数传任务建立了时间分类算法及直接提取算法。研究了数传调度问题的稀疏矩阵表示方法,结合任务分类提出了一种能快速求解可行解的启发式。本文设计并实现了一个卫星数传调度仿真系统。该系统集成了卫星仿真工具STK(Satellite Tool Kit)进行轨道预报及卫星地面站可见时间窗口的计算。设计了一个随机问题产生器用于产生随机的数传任务。为了方便调度结果的显示以及人工调整调度结果,提出问题的循环树形表示方式,在此基础上结合界面库Xtreme Toolkit Pro实现简洁的操作界面。

【Abstract】 As the constant improving of aviation technology in our country, more and more civil and military satellites are launched into space. In order to adapt to the situation of many satellites few ground stations, and in order to accomplish the specially designed satellite tasks, we must make management and control decisions in a whole perspective of satellite system. The purpose of scheduling satellite data transmission is that under the situation of many satellites few ground stations, we can reasonably schedule ground station’s measure and control resources, largely increase the ground station’s using efficiency, fulfill as many as satellite data transmission demands.In this paper we analyze satellite’s working procedure, and study the detail procedure of satellite and ground station’s data transmission process and its constraints condition. Introduce the triple annotation used in product scheduling and common optimal methods in constraints satisfying problem. Propose a time-indexed {0,1} linear programming model and Lagrange relaxation algorithm. Study the single station model of satellite ground station’s data transmission problem, propose a branch and bound mode and algorithm. Study the tree representation method of satellite ground station data transmission problem, for each ground station applied the time classify algorithm and direct extraction algorithm. Study the sparse matrix representation method for satellite ground station data transmission problem, combing task classifying method we proposes a heuristic method able to derive a feasible solution quickly.In this paper, we design and implement a satellite data transmission simulation system. It integrates the STK(Satellite Tool Kit) software used to predicting satellite orbit information and calculating satellite and ground station’s visibility window. We design a random task generator. In order to beautifully display scheduling result and to provide a method to modify scheduling result, we propose a circular linked tree denotation. Base on its denotation and the third interface library Xtreme Toolkit Pro, we implement a concision operation interface.


