

Transformation and Experimental Study of A Small Vertical Oil-fired Boiler Based on Flameless Combustion

【作者】 聂陈翰

【导师】 林其钊;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 工程热物理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 节能和环保一直以来是燃烧领域最焦点的问题,是决定我国可持续发展的重要战略因素,也是当前制约我国国民经济发展的重要关键之一。如何把燃烧这种最为普遍的能量转换方式变得更为高效、对环境影响更小,将是我们整个人类社会面临的一个比较长期问题。无焰燃烧技术(Flameless Combustion)是90年代后得以大力推广应用的新型燃烧技术。目前在大型设备上的实用研究比较多,而针对较小燃烧设备上的应用研究相对较少。小型立式燃油锅炉由于其占地面积小,自动化程度高,重量轻和运输安装方便,应用领域灵活等优点而获得广泛使用,在市场中占据较大份额。但是因为油资源的紧缺及不可再生性,油价不断上升,怎样提高锅炉的热效率即减少燃油消耗同时减少有害气体排放显得十分重要。本实验室在燃气锅炉改造中发现:在常温空气情况下,利用强射流和漩流,采用特殊的燃烧室结构,亦可实现无焰燃烧反应。存在烟气中的NOX与CO浓度远低于传统的低NOX分级燃烧,燃烧室温度分布均匀且无局部高温,无可见火焰前沿等特征。这种常温空气无焰燃烧,保持了所有无焰燃烧的优点,但却避免了高温空气预热所带来的麻烦,简化设备,无需复杂的换向设备等,因此可在较小的燃烧装置中应用。本文将常温无焰燃烧技术实现方式应用于小型立式燃油锅炉的改造中,提出相应的改造方案,设计并加工了改造装置,并且搭建了试验平台。在试验平台上,进行了燃油锅炉热效率,温度分布测试,烟气排放测试等试验,研究了在不同燃油消耗量工况下,不同当量比时,炉内燃烧,炉内温度分布,以及对污染物排放的影响。

【Abstract】 Energy-saving and environmental protection has been the focus of combustion field, is an important strategy of sustainable development in our country, but also one of the key factors restricting the development of our national economy .Our entire human society will be faced with a long-term problems that how to put combustion the most common energy conversion mode more efficient,less impacted to the environmental .Flameless combustion technology is a new burning technology generalizing applied after the 1990s .At present,more practical research in large equipment, but less in the small combustion equipment.Small vertical fuel boilers widely used in large share of the market due to its many advantages ,just as the space occupying less ,high degree of automation, light weight,transportation and installation convenientand,flexible application and so on.But because of the shortage of oil resources and non-renewable, rising oil prices.How to improve the thermal efficiency of boilers, reducing fuel consumption and reduce harmful gas emissions is very importantWe found in gas boiler transformation that, in normal air conditions,to make the strong jet and whirl, with special structure ,can realize flameless combustion.We call it normal temperature air flameless combustion.The gas concentration of NOX and CO far below the traditional low NOX staged-combustion, combustion temperature distribution uniformity and without local high temperature ,flame front.NTAFC keeps all the advantages of flame combustion temperature, but avoid the trouble caused by air preheater, simplify the complex equipment, thus can use in smaller combustion device.We learn the way which realizes NTAFC to applied in small vertical fuel boilers transformation, and put forward the corresponding modification plan, design and processing, and reforming the device built test platform.In the experimental platform, we tested the boiler efficiency, the temperature distribution of fuel gas emission.Testing and research under the condition of different fuel consumption, no equivalent proportion, the furnace combustion temperature distribution, and the effects of pollutants.


