

Vibration Control Technology of Active Vehicle Suspensions

【作者】 陈文源

【导师】 梁青;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车技术的发展,汽车主动悬架成为一个研究热点。当前的主动悬架减振控制研究基本上还停留在理论阶段,主要有以下几个方面的问题需要解决:第一,系统模型问题。汽车作为一个运行道路情况无法获知的复杂机械体,对其进行主动减振控制的首要问题是获得尽可能切合实际但又易于设计控制器的系统模型。第二,找到安全有效的控制器。控制器始终是进行主动减振控制的核心,每一个被控对象都有其特殊性,只有仔细分析其特性,才能设计出相应的合理有效的控制器。第三,实验研究。由于进行真实系统级别的整车实验代价非常高昂,故需要设计能够反映汽车运行振动特性的虚拟样机进行虚拟实验分析和验证,以提高所设计的控制器的可行性。本文在详细调研国内外相关文献和专利的基础上,对汽车主动悬架减振控制技术展开了研究。首先,本文提出了一种较为合理的汽车悬架模型,它可以如实的反映汽车悬架的特性,其中包括主动悬架汽车所拥有的车身参数易变化,作动器存在执行时延这两方面的特点。其次,本文提出了一种新的综合考虑系统的输入时延和参数不确定的广义H2/H最优控制器设计方法,并将其用于车辆主动悬架设计。假定作动器时延是一个已知其边界但不确定的恒定的量,且系统的不确定参数是范数有界的。针对悬架设计需求,分别用H和广义H2性能评价指标反映车身加速度和机械结构设计约束。通过定义一个李雅普诺夫函数来同时满足闭环系统的两个性能指标,将广义H2/H控制器的设计转化为线性矩阵不等式的求解。再次,本文利用虚拟样机仿真软件ADAMS和MATLAB联合构建了汽车主动悬架实验系统模型和仿真实验平台,对设计的控制器进行了虚拟样机仿真实验研究。

【Abstract】 With the development of automotive technology, active vehicle suspensions system is increasingly becoming research focus. The current study about vibration control technology of active vehicle suspensions still remained at the theoretical stage. There are several issues needed to be resolved. First and foremost, a good system model must be needed for the vehicles are complex mobile devices. Second, safe and effective controller should be designed to get good effect, because the system what we faced is very special. Last but not least, we need experiment to check our controller. Because a real experimental system is very expensive, the virtual prototyping technology should be used which can get virtual prototyping model. Then we can make the virtual experiment as true as possible.By studying the literature of domestic and foreign, this paper got its own results. In the first place, Reasonable vehicle suspension model is proposed, which can reflect the system’s vibration characteristics including suspension parameters easy to change and actuator time delay characteristics. Next, A new method for developing generalized H2/Hcontrol problem with input time delay and parameter uncertainty was proposed, which was used in active vehicle suspensions design. The time delay of actuator was assumed as uncertain time-invariant but had a known constant bounded, and the uncertain parameter of system was norm-bounded. Aimed for the design requirements of suspensions, the Hand generalized H2 performance index were used to reflect the mechanical structure design constraints and the sprung mass acceleration respectively. By defining a Lyapunov function, the two performance indices of closed-loop system were met simultaneously. Then the problem of designing a mixed generalized H2/Hcontroller was transformed into the calculation of linear matrix inequalities. Last, the virtual prototyping simulation software ADAMS(Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems) and MATLAB were used and a virtual prototype experiment platform have been build for experiments.


