

【作者】 贾金玺

【导师】 杨瑞明;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着传播技术的不断发展和宽带的不断普及,网络视频成为互联网中一支异军突起的力量,其影响力和影响范围已经逐渐超出人们最初的预期。在其高速发展过程中,网络视频传播中出现的问题也日益引起各国政府机构、网络服务商、用户的关注。现今,中国和世界许多国家都对网络视频实施一定的内容管制,以防止不良内容的泛滥。目前,各国在网络视频内容管制过程中,基本沿用了旧有的互联网内容管制体系,但在具体实施的法律法规、行政手段等方面有所差别。在这种状况下,研究西方发达国家相关的互联网视频管制体系,总结经验,发现缺陷,可以为我国实施更合理的内容管制提供有益的借鉴。论文主要采取定性研究的方法,包括文献研究法、个案研究法和比较分析法。通过对国内外大量文献资料的搜索和整理,详细分析美、英、中三国网络视频内容管制现状,总结美英两国内容管制的经验与不足,探析其管制过程中的困境与争议,进而透视我国在网络视频内容管制中面临的挑战,以及我国应采取的应对策略。论文主要分为四大部分:一、美英中三国网络视频内容管制分析;二、美英两国网络视频内容管制的经验与不足分析;三、美英两国网络视频内容管制过程中面临的争议与困境;四、中国网络视频内容管制面临的挑战与应对策略。笔者期望这一系列的分析与探讨,能对我国相关政府机构制定相关法律法规、调整管制手段,以及对网络服务商的自律和发展,提供有价值的参考。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of communication technology and the growing popularity of broadband, network video①becomes a much more popular and important mode of communication in network, and its influence and sphere of influence are gradually expanding. However, network video also brought us some problems which cause government agencies’, internet service providers’(ISPs) and users’attention. It is necessary to take some measures to regulate network video content in order to prevent the widely spread of pernicious contents. At present, most countries applied the framework of the established internet content regulation system. And there are some proper revise in certain parts (such as internet laws, administrative measures).So, it is necessary for us to analyze the related internet content regulation systems of some western countries, such as America and Britain. Their experiences and insufficiency can supply China more useful reference on improving internet content regulations system.This paper mainly applied qualitative research methods of communication research, including literature research, case studies and comparison analysis. Through search and analysis of the mass data and information which author got from libraries and on the internet, the paper go deep into the challenges that are facing America, Britain and China on internet content regulation system and the places where they are in a dilemma. The paper emphasize on that our government not only should learn from the experiences of America and British, but also should evade the defect of internet content regulation systems in those western countries. In the end, the paper suggested some strategies for the network video content regulation to Chinese government agencies and ISPs.There are mainly four parts in this paper: first, analysis of network video content regulation in America, Britain and China; second, analysis of America’s and British’s experience and shortages on content regulations; third, analysis the disputes and dilemma of the internet content regulations that America and Britain are faceing; forth, analysis of the challenges that China is facing and the strategies China should plan for the network video content regulations. I hope that this paper will provide much valuable reference to our government agencies and ISPs.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】929

