

Study on the Evolution Process of Agriculture Eco Economy System of Wangdonggou Watershed in Gully Region of Loess Plateau

【作者】 李文军

【导师】 王继军;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心) , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究主要针对黄土高原沟壑区农业生态系统与经济系统严重失调的问题,选择典型代表区——陕西省长武县王东沟流域作为研究对象,研究其农业生态经济系统20余年的演变过程,探讨农业生态经济系统的演变阶段、特征及其驱动因素,分析不同阶段农户经济变化情况,提出农业生态经济系统良性互动策略。为完善黄土高原沟壑区农业生态经济系统研究体系提供参考,为黄土高原沟壑区其它相类似地区农业生态经济可持续发展方案的制定提供科学依据。主要结论如下:(1)选择人口、耕地、林地、人工草地、果园面积、单产、种植业纯收入、果业纯收入、工副业纯收入、畜牧业纯收入、人均纯收入11个可控变量,使用SPSS软件进行系统聚类分析,把王东沟流域20余年农业生态经济系统演变过程划分为三个阶段:第Ⅰ阶段(1986年-1993年)农业生态经济系统调控阶段;第Ⅱ阶段(1994年-2003年)农业商品经济建设阶段;第Ⅲ阶段(2004年-2006年)农业生态经济系统可持续发展初级阶段。(2)在农业生态经济系统调控阶段,粮食单产提高,土地利用与产业结构得到初步调整,其中种植业纯收入、工副业纯收入和果园面积的增加促进了农业生态经济系统的良性化;在农业商品经济建设阶段,进一步调整土地利用结构,同时优化农业产业结构,逐渐形成果业主导产业,该阶段发展的主要驱动因素是果业纯收入、工副业纯收入,耕地面积大小是主要限制因素;在农业生态经济系统可持续发展初级阶段,土地利用和产业结构趋于稳定,果业纯收入是该阶段发展的主要驱动因素。(3)在农业生态经济系统由第一向第二、第三阶段转变过程中,农户通过增加物质投入、实施集约化生产,经济收入不断提高,生活状况得到改善,他们的经营意识逐渐由非理性转向理性。在农户经济发展中逐步形成了以“果-农”型、“果、农-畜”型、“果、农-副”型为主的生态农业发展模式类型。(4)分析了王东沟流域农业生态经济的战略定位问题,提出了相应的战略目标、战略重点和战略模式。(5)国家各项惠农政策、西部大开发战略、地方政府政策等为王东沟流域农业生态经济系统发展带来了良好的机遇,同时它的发展也面临着各种挑战,因此,其今后的发展中需注意:因地制宜,发展集约化农业生产,合理利用土地资源,促使产业结构优化升级;加强农民文化素质培养,引导农民走科技致富之路;发展商品型生态农业,推进农业产业化进程;健全、完善农村服务体系;加强基础设施建设,改善农业生态环境;对农民工就业实行岗前培训,加强劳务输出管理,保障他们的合法权益。

【Abstract】 Based on the problem of agriculture ecological system and agriculture economysystem severe imbalance in Gully Region of Loess Plateau, choose typical representativearea Wangdonggou watershed in Changwu County Shaanxi Province as research object,study on its agriculture eco-economy system evolution process for over 20 years, explorethe evolution stages, characteristics and driving factors of the agriculture eco-economysystem, analysis the change of household economy in different stages, put forward thebenign interrelation strategies for the agriculture eco-economy system. It providesreference for perfect research system of agriculture eco-economy system in Gully Regionof Loess Plateau and provide scientific basis of sustainable development scheme ofagriculture eco-economy system for the other similar areas in Gully Region of LoessPlateau. The main results are as follows.(1) Choice population, farmland, forestland, artificial grassland, orchard, yield,planting net income, fruit industry net income, the second and the third industry netincome, animal husbandry net income, per capita net income 11 controllable variables,use SPSS software through hierarchical cluster analysis divide agriculture eco-economysystem evolution process for over 20 years into three different stages, the first stage (from1986 to 1993), named agriculture eco-economy system control stage, the second stage(from 1994 to 2003), named agriculture commodity economy construction stage, the thirdstage (from 2004 to 2006), named agriculture eco-economy system sustainabledevelopment primary stage.(2) In agriculture eco-economy system control stage, improve grain yield, land useand industrial structure obtained preliminary adjustment, increase planting net income, thesecond and the third industry net income, orchard promote the agriculture eco-economysystem benign. In agriculture commodity economy construction stage, adjust the use landagain, and optimization agriculture industrial structure, establish fruit industry leadingposition gradually, the main driving factors of stage development is fruit industry netincome, the second and the third industry net income, the main limiting factor is farmland.In agriculture eco-economy system sustainable development primary stage, land use and industrial structure tended to be stable, the main driving factors of stage development isfruit industry net income.(3) On the process of agricultural eco-economic system transformation from the firststage into the second or third, farmers gradually changed their managing consciousnessesfrom irrational to rational. They raised income and improved living conditions throughincreasing the material input and carrying out production intensification. Gradually, maintypes of eco-agricultural developing such as“fruit-farm”,“fruit, farm-stockbreeding”,“fruit, farm-sideline”have been formed with the economic raising of farmers.(4) Analysis the strategic position orientation of agricultural ecological economy ofWangdonggou watershed, proposed strategic goal, strategic emphasis, and strategic mode.(5) National Benefiting-farmers policies, Great Development of the West and localgovernmental policies have brought good opportunities for agricultural eco-economicsystem development in Wangdonggou watershed. Meanwhile, the development will beconfronted with some of challenges. So, what follows are the key points on the process ofdeveloping. Adjustment according to the local condition and developing the agriculturalintensive production, making proper use of land resources and optimizing and updatingindustrial structure are primary. Secondly, strengthening the cultivation of farmers’cultural quality and guiding farmers becoming rich through science and technology.Thirdly, developing the ecological agriculture of commodity economy and advancing theprocess of agricultural industrialization. And then, perfecting rural service system,strengthening infrastructures and improving agricultural ecological environment are alsovery important. Lastly, peasant workers should be trained before employing and themanagement of labor export should be strengthened and their legal rights should beprotected.


