

A Study on the Akp’s Kurdish Policy

【作者】 康静

【导师】 王林聪;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪以来,库尔德问题逐渐凸现,成为困扰中东地区稳定和发展的重大问题之一。库尔德问题不仅是一个民族问题,而且是一个跨国的国际问题,交织着错综复杂的社会发展、民族关系、国际关系等方面的矛盾与斗争。长期以来,库尔德问题为国内外研究者所重视。其中,土耳其作为库尔德人最大的聚居国,其境内库尔德人的基本诉求及其斗争方式已成为人们关注的焦点。进入21世纪,伴随着国际局势的演变和土耳其国内政局的变更,尤其是2002年正义与发展党上台执政后,土耳其政府开始正视库尔德问题,寻求解决该问题的有效途径,逐步改变以往各届政府强硬的民族同化政策,推行改革,赋予库尔德人更多的民族文化权利。因此,正义与发展党的库尔德政策究竟产生何种作用乃是本文研究的重点。本文在对库尔德问题研究现状进行简要回顾与评述的基础上,以土耳其正义与发展党执政下的库尔德政策作为主要研究对象,对土耳其库尔德问题的由来、历史与现状,以及未来的走向进行了全面的分析。文章的主体框架分为五个章节:第一章介绍了库尔德与库尔德问题的由来,指出19世纪末尤其是第一次世界大战后西方殖民主义国家对库尔德斯坦地区的瓜分是库尔德问题产生的源头;第二章阐述了土耳其的民族同化政策及其影响,分析其产生的缘由、思想理念,进而对土耳其民族同化政策予以评述,指出民族同化政策是土耳其库尔德问题逐步尖锐化的根源;第三章分析了20世纪80年代末以来土耳其政府关于库尔德政策的转变和调整,特别是剖析了正义与发展党执政后加强土耳其库尔德政策调整的缘由;第四章评述了正义与发展党现阶段提出的“库尔德倡议”,介绍并分析“库尔德倡议”提出的背景、内容以及围绕该倡议所产生的各种争论,进而揭示“库尔德倡议”的实质,即通过民主和发展的方式解决长期困扰土耳其的库尔德问题,赋予土耳其库尔德人基本权利;第五章展望了土耳其库尔德问题的未来走向,指出土耳其库尔德问题有可能在正义与发展党的合理施政规划下缓慢推进。但是,由于受国内外多种因素的制约,土耳其库尔德问题的最终解决仍将是艰巨而缓慢的过程,甚至会呈现曲折性和反复性。

【Abstract】 The problem of Kurds has attracted more attention of the world since 20th century, and has evolved into one of the key factors which constitute menace to peace and stability of the Middle East. The problem of Kurds is not merely a subject related to ethnics, but is proved to be an international focus accompanied by complex issues such as social development, ethnical conflicts and struggles, and international relations. Throughout years, scholars both home and broad had already cast eyes over the topic. Basic demands and ways of struggle of Kurds in Turkey, the largest host country of Kurdish people, are becoming the main arena of public attention. Changes of both the global situation and Turkish regime in the 21st century, especially since the commencement of the domination of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2002, Ankara started to revalue the problem of Kurds, seeking new approaches to handle the problem, such as the gradual abandonment of the rigid assimilation policy adopted by former governments, and varies reforms which aim to grant more culture rights to Kurdish people. What kind of influence has been exerted by Kurdish policy adopted by the AKP is the main topic of this study.Upon the basis of introduction and comments on the problem of Kurds, this study will choose the policy adopted by the Turkish AKP towards Kurdish people as the main research subject, and subsequently gives thorough analysis on the origin, history, contemporary and future development of this problem.This thesis is mainly composed of five chapters. The FIRST CHAPTER introduces the origin of the Kurds problem, pointing out this problem is the vicious legacy of the West’s colonial activities in Kurdistan in the post-WWI period. The SECOND CHAPTER mainly narrates the policy of assimilation of Turkish government and its influence. By analyzing origin, notion and concept of this policy, the passage points out that this assimilation policy is the source that trigger interethnic tensions in Turkey. The THIRD CHAPTER gives introduction to the changes of Turkish governments’policies towards Kurdish people since 1980s, and especially analyzes reasons that gave birth to these positive changes. The FOURTH CHAPTER comment on the Kurdish initiative proposed by the AKP, narrates its background, contents as well as pertinent arguments, and then discloses its essence, namely granting Kurdish people more basic rights by democratic and developmental way. The FIFTH CHAPTER presents outlook on Kurds problem, pointing out that this problem could be properly handled in the context of positive and gradual changes of the AKP’s policy. But, offset by a series of factors both home and broad, the resolution of Kurds problem is a long and slow process which will be accompanied by uncertainties.

  • 【分类号】D737.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】349

