

The Emotional Confict in MDD and Normal Colleage Students

【作者】 寇艳丽

【导师】 刘惠军;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在日常生活中,我们每天都在处理成千上万的信息,其中有些信息相互矛盾甚至引发冲突。情绪冲突检测和情绪冲突解决对人类的生活和生存,有着重要的生态学意义。近年来,情绪冲突作为一个新的研究主题,开始得到越来越多的关注。情绪冲突是指无关的情绪性刺激对当前认知任务的干扰。研究情绪冲突对更有效的完成任务以及对解决现实中的情绪冲突有一定的借鉴意义。本研究采用问卷筛选法选取被试,通过两个实验考察情绪冲突检测和解决,并对大学生和抑郁症患者的情绪冲突检测和情绪冲突解决行为进行比较分析。得出如下结果:(1)抑郁被试和正常大学生被试都表现出了情绪一致性效应和序列调整效应。(2)抑郁被试在情绪一致性效应和序列调整效应的两个效应上,普遍的表现出了比正常大学生被试较长的反应时。(3)抑郁被试和无抑郁被试在高冲突解决和低冲突解决条件下的反应时差异量不显著。(4)抑郁被试、正常大学生在一致错误次数和不一致错误次数上差异不显著;两组之间也没有显著差异。(5)正常大学生、抑郁被试在高冲突解决和低冲突解决条件下,错误次数没有显著差异。这些结果表明抑郁者和无抑郁者都能检测到情绪冲突,并能解决情绪冲突;且发现在情绪冲突过程中抑郁者和无抑郁者在冲突检测任务和冲突解决任务中错误次数没有差异,只是反应时抑郁者显著的长,通过本研究发现抑郁者和普通人一样能够完成情绪冲突任务,这一发现否定了抑郁症者解决情绪冲突困难的可能。

【Abstract】 Emotional conflict as a new research topic, has received more and more attention. in everyday life, we are exposed, to a larger number of sensory stimuli than we can dedicate processing resources to. Emotional conflict is defined as the ongoing interference on current cognitve task imposed by emotionally salient stimuli. Drawing on the classic Stroop conflict task,researchers developed a protocol that allowed us to dissociate the monitoring and resolving from it’s emotional conflict. Emotional conflicts of the behavioral analysis for college students and patients in depression .After statistical analysis, drawing the following conclusions:1 Groups of depression and college students were tested in the congrent reaction time and reaction time on the incongrent were significantly different, incongrent reaction time than the congrent reaction time significantly longer.2 In the sequential adjustment effect and mood consistent effect, the group of depression were significantly longer than group of college students in reaction time.3 Groups of depression and college students were tested in the high and low conflict resolution trails,the date showed the difference of reaction time in volume not significantly.4 Groups of depression and college students were tested in the congrent incongrent conditions and the number of errors were not significantly different there were no significantly different between depression and college students.5 In Congruent-Incongruent, Congruent-Congruent, Incongruent-Incongruent and Incongruent-Congruent four conditions, there were no significantly different in the group of depression and group of college students. There also were no significantly different between the group of depression and group of college students.These conclusions indicate that both college students and patients in depression can detect and resolve emotional conflict, especially find patients in pepression who can resolve emotional conflict independly, it makes us have a new mind at patients in depression.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

