

Study on Chinese "after 80s" Film-induced Tourism Preferences

【作者】 梅丽

【导师】 童清艳;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 影视旅游是影视与旅游交叉的产物,在当下体验经济盛行的时代,作为一种新型的旅游产品,更契合人们旅游体验的需求,已经开始受到人们的关注和喜爱。同时影视和旅游产业的联姻也是应对市场竞争的必然趋势。但是对于影视旅游的专项研究,无论是理论上还是实践上都还不多见。再者,市场细分能够便于企业抓住市场契机,制定有针对性的发展策略,提高市场占有率,因此影视旅游的发展也亟需对市场做出细分。另一方面,“80后”是我国特殊历史时期的产物,有着2亿左右的庞大人口,特殊的成长环境和心理特征对其消费行为产生了非常大的影响,使其形成了独特的消费心理和消费偏好。近年来,“80后”逐渐在各个领域成为新的生力军,有专家指出,“80后”将成为中国未来市场的中坚力量,也势必会成为影视旅游业的主力军。但到目前为止,对“80后”消费行为包括旅游消费、旅游偏好的深入系统研究还很缺乏。目前“受众中心”观念已经成为新闻传播学界的普遍共识。受众研究也随着媒介市场的发展和变迁而进入一个崭新的研究阶段。影视旅游业作为传媒的重要关联产业在如今的泛媒介时代也能够作为一种传播影视文化的中介,而对其受众——影视旅游者偏好的研究理应受到更多重视,从而为我国影视旅游产业的发展提供对策依据。因此,在体验经济背景下基于受众偏好来分析我国影视旅游业的发展有着重大的理论和现实意义。本文在参考了大量国内外相关文献和报道的基础上,基于传播学中著名的“使用与满足”理论,采用了问卷调查为主的研究方法,在问卷数据统计、SPSS分析的基础上结合部分已有的资料,主要从性别差异、学历差异、消费支出差异三个方面分析,总结出“80后”游客影视旅游的偏好,这是本论文所形成的最主要的结论之一,也是本文的创新体现。

【Abstract】 Film-induced tourism is a product of film and tourism cross. In the present era of widespread experience economy, as a new type of tourism products, fit the needs of people’s travel experience very much, it has begun to attract people’s attention and also receive people’s love.Meanwhile, the intermarriage of film and tourism is the inevitable trend when they cope with the market competition. But now it is actually rare to study the travelers’film-induced tourism preference, and there are seldom articles on the products or planning of film-induced tourism.What’s more, Market subdivision can help enterprises grab market opportunities and develop a targeted strategy to increase its market share. So the development of film-induced tourism need market subdivision as soon as possible.On the other hand, as a China special growth historical period product,“after 80s”has nearly 0.2 billion populations. Their special growth environment and psychological characteristics have had the extremely tremendous influence on their consumer behavior, which allow them to form a unique consumption psychology and the consumer preference. In recent years,“after 80s”gradually becoming the new force in each domain. There are some experts pointed out that,“after 80s”will become the backbone of China’s future market, certainly will also become the main force of film-induced tourism.But until now, academic research about“after 80s”consumer behavior has not been launched thoroughly and systematically, the empirical research is quite limited either, including tourism consumer behavior and tourism consumer preference. Currently,“audience center”concept has become a consensus of the Press. Audience research has also entered a new phase as the media market develops. Tourism is an important related industry of media, the tourists’preferences study should be paid more attention, so that the film-induced tourism of our country can get some development countermeasures basis. Therefore, in the context of the experience economy, analyze the development of our country’s film-induced tourism based on audience preference has momentous theoretical and practical significance.This paper based on a large number of relevant literatures and reports, use questionnaire survey, combine with professional analysis software—SPSS concludes that the film-induced tourism preference of“after 80s”, this conclusion is the most important one in this paper, and it also reflects the innovation of this article.

【关键词】 影视旅游“80后”偏好
【Key words】 Film-induced tourism“After 80s”preference

