

The Current Situation of Primary Police’s Career Progress and Countermeasure

【作者】 李强

【导师】 胡近;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 新时期经济发展迅速化、社会进步和谐化、思想观念多元化、利益结构调整深刻化、治安状况复杂化、公安任务日益繁重。面对着新形势、重任务,公安机关,特别是基层单位却处于警力严重不足、民警疲于应付警务、职业压力过大、工作满意度低、人才流失隐患严重等尴尬现状。对此,全国各级公安机关愈发注重对内挖掘警力资源,不断将新的管理理念引入公安队伍建设中来。特别是,2008年公安部明确提出加强公安队伍的职业化建设的要求,警察职业生涯管理的理念倍受关注,不少基层公安机关在先行者香港、上海等地感召下开始大胆的实践探索。其中,笔者曾工作过的海宁市公安局也踊跃投身其中,并取得了一定成效。本文就是以海宁市公安局为例,从该局公安民警职业生涯发展现状入手,通过访谈和问卷调查,研究分析当前基层警察职业生涯发展存在的问题及其原因,并以此为依据,借鉴国内外先进的职业生涯管理理论及成功的实践,从组织管理角度出发,对基层警察职业生涯管理提出对策,并尝试构建基层警察职业生涯管理流程,对基层警察职业生涯进行阶段管理,以期实现民警个人职业发展与组织发展目标“双赢”,从而全面推进公安工作和队伍建设持续深入发展。

【Abstract】 At present, with the rapid development of economy, the harmonious progress of social, the deep adjustment of benefit structure, the complexity of public peace, police’s tasks become heavier and heavier. The police especially primary police are in trouble, because of the insufficient quantity, tired of dealing with affairs, heavy working stress, low working satisfaction, job—hopping and so on. The police department pays attention to excavating personnel resource and introduces new managerial idea. In 2008, the police office put forward a requirement for strengthening vocational building. The primary police start to learn from Hong Kong and Shanghai to fulfill and explore the police’s career management including Haining Police Bureau, where the writer worked before, find that it works effectively. Through talking and investigating, the writer analyzed the problems and clauses of primary police career. The writer studied theories and succeeded example of career management, he found some countermeasures flows about primary police’s career management from organizational management. The writer expected to achieve two goals—individual career management and organizational management through periodic management, so that the police can get progress persistently and deeply.

【关键词】 警察职业生涯人力资源管理
【Key words】 policecareerHuman Resources Management

