

The Function of Government in Animation Industry

【作者】 黄莺

【导师】 凌金铸;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 动漫产业作为文化产业中的核心产业,具有高科技、高效益、低能耗、低污染的特点,是二十一世纪最具有创造财富和发展潜力的朝阳产业,被誉为“21世纪知识经济的核心产业”。目前,国内动漫产业的研究大多是基于国外理论研究的基础上,是基于对国外发达国家、案例成功经验的分析上。我们国家动漫产业的发展规律,政府在动漫产业中的职能研究还在探索之中。常州市把动漫产业列入“十一五”期间重点扶持和发展的产业,并把动漫产业作为提升常州城市品位,优化产业结构,改善经济增长方式,提升城市综合竞争力,促进经济社会可持续发展的支柱产业,动漫产业的发展得到了政府、专家学者、企业的高度关注。因此,探索政府在动漫产业发展中的职能的研究对常州动漫产业的发展有着重要的作用。本文运用比较分析的方法,以常州市为个例,分析了政府在动漫产业发展中的职能。全文分五章,第一章阐述了选题的研究背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路和研究方法。第二章梳理了产业发展和政府职能的相关理论,对产业、政府职能的定义作出了本文的界定。第三章对国内外动漫发展发达城市政府在动漫产业发展过程中的先进经验进行总结,从而归纳出政府在动漫产业发展中的职能定位。第四章分析了常州市动漫产业发展现状、存在问题,总结出政府在动漫产业发展中所起的积极、消极作用。第五章提出了如何提升常州市政府在动漫产业发展过程中的职能。

【Abstract】 Animation industry as the core industry, cultural industry with high, high efficiency, and low energy consumption and low pollution characteristic, is the 21st century the most has the potential to create wealth and development of sunrise industry in the 21st century, known as the "knowledge economy" is the core of industry. At present, the domestic cartoon industry is based on the theory of foreign researches on the basis of the research is based on foreign successful experience of developed countries, the case of analysis. Our national animation industry development theory and government’s function in the research is on the exploration.The cartoon industry in changzhou, "11th five-year plan" key support and industrial development, and the cartoon industry as ascending changzhou city taste, optimize industrial structure, improve economic growth mode, promote the urban competitiveness, promote sustainable economic and social development of the pillar industries, cartoon industry development from the government, experts and scholars, enterprise’s attention. Therefore, the government in the cartoon industry development of research on the function of changzhou cartoon industry plays an important function.This paper, using the method of comparison and analysis methods of changzhou, analyses for the government in animation industry development. five chapters, the text expounded the first chapter of subject research background, significance, research status and research ideas and research methods. The second chapter combed the industrial development and the functions of government, industry, the relevant theory of government functions defined in a hungry. The third chapter for development in the animation industry developed city government in the process of developing advanced experience, thus to summarize the development of animation industry in changzhou. The fourth chapter analyses the present situation and problems of the development of animation and cartoon industry development in changzhou. The fifth chapter analyzed how to prefer the function of changzhou government .


