

Research on Reengineering of Processing of Passports & Visas for Public Affairs in Shanghai Institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences

【作者】 杨振华

【导师】 刘欣;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 国际合作交流在中科院科研发展中起到重要作用。新世纪科技发展更离不开国际交流,它已成为建设创新型国家、实现科技跨越式发展的有效手段。上海是中科院国际交流最为活跃的地区之一,因公出国业务量逐年上升。原有的因公护照签证业务流程已显露出诸多问题。为解决业务流程与实际需求间不匹配的矛盾,上海分院果断对系统内部该业务流程进行重组。本文通过对BPR相关文献的阅读,总结归纳出BPR实施相关因素模型:根据实际需求制定战略,依据战略调整业务流程,根据业务流程形成与之匹配的组织架构及人员配置,并以技术、文化等作为业务流程重组的平台和保障。召集各研究所的科研人员与专管员,对模型中各模块可能存在的不确定因子进行细化分解,总结出适合中科院沪区各研究所因公出国护签业务的理论模型。籍业务流程重组伊始之机,根据理论模型制作问卷,对各研究所决策层、管理层、操作层和用户进行调查,拟通过实践检验理论模型的正确性,并验证确定各因子间的互相关系。用专业统计软件SPSS分析回收问卷,通过主成分分析得出以下主要结论:1、受访人员对业务流程重组所涉及的各因素中,关注度最大的是流程中的人员配置和人员管理问题;其次是与流程对应的组织架构;再次是指导业务流程重组的战略决策;最后是保障流程顺利实施的外部支撑环境。2、对业务流程本身的关注度未在所提取的因子中集中表现,而是向前延伸融入到战略决策,向后伸展融入到组织架构和人力资源管理。这一研究结果对先前的理论模型提出挑战:即业务流程本身并不应该作为一个独立的因素,其与战略决策、组织架构、人力资源管理之间存在相关性,应成为战略制定到组织人员设置中的桥梁。3、业务流程操作人员的培训工作更趋向于归类到组织架构因素,这与相关文献中的学习型组织理论相吻合。通过实证研究,对理论模型进行完善和修正,以期对其他类似的流程再造提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 International exchange played a significant role along the science and technology development of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the new era, the importance of international cooperation will be further expressed as it will build an effective way for the innovative country and leaping-forward technological development.Shanghai is one of the areas with active international exchanges. The volume of visiting scholars going abroad with public purpose increases every year. The former process dealing with passport & visa applications ran with more and more problems emerging. Shanghai Branch, therefore, decided to reengineer the process so as to make it much closer to the clients.On consulting to the research works concerning BPR, a theoretical model is presented in this thesis: Business strategy is created to meet the need of market demand, then the reengineering of business process will occur to gear the strategy, and then the organizational structure and human resources will follow to ensure the implementation of the new business process. During the period, technology and culture involved will act as a platform to support the reengineering process.A group of research fellows were asked to examine the model and to dissemble elements in the theoretical model into more detailed factors. Thus, the theoretical model was made to be more concrete with the characteristic of the process of passport & visa for public affairs.A questionnaire was made on the basis of the theoretical model, and was sent to decision-makers, administrators, operators and clients of the process, on the occasion that the reengineering was first started. The purpose of the questionnaire was to testify the theoretical model, and to verify the interactions among different factors. The professional statistic software SPSS was used to analyze the collected questionnaires. The result from principal components analysis shows the following: 1. People laid more attention to the human resource management most during reengineering, and follows with organization structure modification, and then the strategy. People laid least attention to the supportive circumstances. 2. No independent factor is extracted concentrating on business process itself, which merged forwards into the strategy and backwards into the human resource or organization structure. This finding showed difference with the theoretical model as the business process itself could not be an independent factor. It has correlation with either the strategy, or the organization structure, or human resource management. It played a fundamental role of a bridge between decision-making and organizational adjustment. 3. The training of the operators of the process is more likely to gather together with organization structure. This coincides with the latest theory of learning organization. Based on the above findings, a modification is made to the theoretical model. Hopefully, this research will provide with reference to some similar business process reengineering.


