

A Distributed High-performance MDO Framework Based on SAGE

【作者】 江逢斌

【导师】 李明禄;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 一个通用且高效的优化设计计算平台能有效地缩短飞行器设计周期、降低成本。本文描述了一个基于多学科设计优化(Multidisciplinary design optimization)理念的分布式并行计算框架的设计与实现。结合飞行器设计的实际需求和并行计算的基本原理,我们提出了一种基于分布式流水线的解决方案。该计算框架的特征可以从两个角度阐述:(1)从飞行器设计人员的角度来看,计算框架提供了一个灵活易用的计算模型,使其能将注意力集中于计算逻辑的描述;(2)从计算机科学角度来看,计算框架将复杂的并行计算操作隐藏起来,充分发掘粗粒度并行度,提高计算效率。总的说来,就是提供连接并行计算与飞行器设计专业的桥梁,将计算机科学发展成果以一种易于接受的方式应用于工程设计中。本文讨论管道流水线和任务流水线两种并行计算模型的设计思路,并介绍支持这个计算模型的分布式计算框架的设计思路和实现原理。该计算框架已应用于某飞行器优化设计平台中,并且在中小规模的分布式环境中具有良好的性能和扩展性。

【Abstract】 A high performance generic framework can greatly lower the cost of aircraft design. We present the design and implementation of a computing framework based on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) theory. According to the requirement and basic principles of parallel computing, we have proposed a distributed pipeline solution. The framework has two major characteristics: 1) From the perspective of aircraft design, the framework made available to aircraft designers a simple and flexible computing model, so that they can concentrate on the description of work flow; 2) From the perspective of computer science, the framework hides the complex of parallel computing and explores the parallelism in computing. In general, we provide a bridge between parallel computing and engineering design. This article introduces two computing models. Design and implementation of underlay computing framework is also discussed. The framework has been applied to one aircraft design platform. Experiments show the good performance and scalability of the framework in medium-scaled and small-scaled applications. .


