

Study of Biodiesel Life Cycle Assessment and Low Temprature Combustion Engine

【作者】 许英武

【导师】 黄震;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国汽车行业的快速发展,石油短缺和尾气污染已成为摆在我们面前迫切需要解决的难题,因此积极发展替代能源和高效低排放的发动机具有重大的现实意义。生物柴油作为一种可再生的绿色能源不仅能降低污染物排放,而且可以有效缓解我国石油短缺形势,构成我国能源多元化战略的重要一环。生物柴油主要来源有油料作物和废食用油回收利用。其中废食用油制生物柴油由于原料收集简便、成本低廉已在我国得到初步发展。本文将选取以废煎炸油制成的生物柴油为对象,运用生命周期评价模型对其从原料生产到车辆运行的整个生命周期进行能源消耗和环境排放评估,并将其能耗与排放结果和柴油进行对比,研究发现其化石能源消耗比传统柴油路线减少65.7%,温室气体排放中CO2排放下降了88.1%,常规污染物排放也全面低于柴油,表明废煎炸油是一种符合节能减排趋势的环境友好型代用燃料。为了进一步降低生物柴油发动机的尾气排放,作者以一台4BTA发动机为试验台架,运用燃料设计和低温燃烧两种思想,通过掺烧不同比例的乙醇和引入大比例废气再循环两种手段进行了生物柴油的低温燃烧研究,对实验的燃烧和排放数据进行了详细的分析,取得了同时降低N0x和碳烟的良好效果。同时对燃烧放热率、缸内温度和压力进行分析,探索了缸内燃烧对排放和效率的影响。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of Chinese Auto industry, the shortage of crude oil and air pollution become more and more urgent. Thus the development of alternative fuel and high efficiency, low emission engine have important realitic significance. Biodiesel,as a renewable energy and low emission fuel, not only can reduce the engine emissions, but also relieve shortage of oil in China, finally play a indispensable role in future energy diversification.Biodiesel is mainly derived by oil-bearing crops and residual cooking oil. Due to convenient collection and low price, the biodiesel derived by residual cooking oil already got preliminary development. In this study,we choosed the biodiesel derived by residual frying oil as object, calculated the energy consumption and environmental emissions by life cycle assessment model and make a comparison with traditional diesel path, the outcome showed the fossil energy consumption decreased by 65.7%, CO2 emission decreased by 88.1%, creterial emissions also had a general reduction. It showed that the biodiesel is an environmental-friendly alternative energy which fits the trend of fossil energy-saving.In order to reduce engine emissions further, LTC research was conducted in this study with biodiesel-ethanol blends and high EGR ratio, taking the means of blending of biodiesel and ethanol and high EGR ratio. The analysis of the output data showed the experiment reduced NOx and Soot simultaneously. The combustion phasing and its affection to emission and engine efficiency are also analyzed.


