

Design and Implementation of LOCH Humanoid Robot System

【作者】 尹航

【导师】 言勇华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 仿人机器人是机器人研究领域的热点。结构通用、功能完备、费用经济的仿人机器人系统将为这一领域的研究提供基础的实验平台,从而推动相关技术和产业化的发展。本文探讨了仿人机器人系统LOCH的设计与实现,对其软硬件结构做了整体的简要介绍。基于可视化动力学仿真技术,设计并建立了面向LOCH机器人样机的仿真平台,为控制算法提供高效、可移植的实验基础。同时根据基于模型的双足步行控制思想,提出并实现了一种统一的步态轨迹规划算法,以支持多种步行模式用于高层的行为控制;最后,利用先进的机器人应用程序框架技术,设计并开发了组件化的遥操作单元,为用户层面的控制接口提供了界面友好、功能强大、人机交互式的解决方案。在样机系统所实现的仿真平台、步行算法、遥操作单元及其它软硬件部分的支持下,一系列的仿真及实际实验证明,该系统实现了仿人机器人的基本行为与功能,设计总体上实现了通用性、完备性、经济性的目标,为进一步的仿人机器人系统技术研究提供了必要的积累与坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 Humanoid robot is an exciting field of robotics. It is essential to build a universal, complete and low cost platform to facilitate related research and even the development of whole industry.This dissertation focuses on the design and implementation of a humanoid prototype, LOCH. First, a brief introduction about the overall structure is given. Then, for efficient and compatible experiment, a LOCH-oriented simulator is designed and built based on visual dynamics simulation technique. Moreover, according to model-based concept for biped walking, unified trajectory planning algorithm is presented and implemented, which supports various gaits and walking modes for behavior control. Finally, utilizing advanced application framework for robotics software, a unit for remote control is developed and componentized to provide friendly, powerful and interactive interface for users.Supported by above features and other parts of LOCH prototype, a series of experiment, both virtual and real, are carried out to validate the universality, integrity and economy of LOCH robot system. The research and design have laid solid foundation for further studies on humanoids and other relevant studies.


