

The Technology Research on Mobile Network Game

【作者】 黄超

【导师】 杨旭波; 林讯;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 手机游戏业务的特点是用户基数庞大,总体市场潜在规模大;产品生命周期短,产品可替代性强;对技术平台和终端普及的依赖性强;手机游戏的开发和推广资金投入相对较小,进入壁垒也相对较低。虽然目前手机游戏仅仅还是电信移动数据增值业务中的一项业务,伴随着中国移动GRPS和中国联通DMA1X数据业务的开展,手机游戏业务被认为是3G数据业务的一个重要的应用领域,也将成为未来在中国移动和中国联通的博弈战中,以手机终端为接入口、服务平台、用软件下载和更广泛的internet上各种服务争夺战的一个开端。本文内容是对手机网络RPG游戏研究的结果。客户端基于J2ME的MIDP2.0,服务器端基于C#应用,本人主要负责客户端的编写以及整体系统架构的设计,本论文从整体上探讨了一个实用的手机网络RPG游戏的设计与实现,主要内容有:首先介绍了手机网络游戏的研究背景和市场需求,根据手机游戏发展类型的阐述,逐渐引出研究课题以及已存在的研究介绍。然后进一步阐述手机网络RPG游戏所系的研究原理和研究平台。在客户端分析了J2ME的系统原理和API支持,在服务器端分析了基于C#程序语言的程序架构。由于手机游戏开发与普通软件的差异性,还讲述了其中的研发过程和其中的要点。详细说明了如何利用HTTP协议和多线程进行客户端的网络接口的实现;在服务器端上如何实现多线程用户的处理和通讯。介绍了该游戏进入市场后用户的反馈,总结了本课题所获得各项技术成果。

【Abstract】 Mobile games business is characterized by large user base, the overall market potential is large in scale, short product life cycles, product irreplaceable strong technology platform and terminals on the popular dependent; mobile game development and promotion of a relatively small capital investment, Relatively low entry barriers.Although at present cell phone game is one of the mobile data value-added telecommunications business, along with China Mobile and China Contact GRPS CDMA1X data services to mobile games business was considered 3G data services a major application areas, it has become the begining of the war between China Mobile and China Unicom.This article is about my research on the cell phone network RPG game. The client is based on the J2ME MIDP2.0 and the server is based on the C# applications, I am mainly responsible for the preparation of the client and the overall structure of the system design, this paper is about a mobile phone network RPG Design and Implementation of the game, the main contents are:1.Firstly,it introduces the research background and the market requirement.According to the development of mobile phone game,it brings to the project we make a research.2.Secondly,it states the research principle and platform of mobile network game.Analyze the API in J2ME in the client and program architecture of C# application in server.Because of the difference with normal software,it is statement that the point and the course of development life cycle.3.Finally,we state in detail the implement of network interface in client and server with HTTP protocol and Multi-Thread.4.It introduces the user’s feedback and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile network games .It also introduces the obtained achievement of the project.

【关键词】 手机游戏RPG网络游戏
【Key words】 Phone GameRPGNetwork Game

