

Research on Windows of Residences Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanghai

【作者】 李迪迪

【导师】 蔡军;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 上海市现存许多蕴涵丰富历史、文化内涵的明清民居,但学术界目前对上海民居的研究更多的是集中在近代的石库门建筑,对明清时期民居的关注比较少,将明清时期民居中的窗作为独立对象进行研究的就更为少见。而窗作为传统民居建筑中的重要构成元素,它的设计与制作反映了民居建筑所承载的当地的历史文化内涵,具有很高的历史、文化、艺术价值,有必要对其进行系统深入的研究。同时,对窗的研究,也有助于对江南传统民居研究的进一步深化。本文便以上海市明清民居中的“窗”作为研究对象,以《营造法原》作为理论基础,从窗的形制、装饰艺术、设计体系三个方面入手,研究上海市明清民居中“窗”的样式组成、装饰、做法和设计规律,以及所体现的人文内涵、地域特点等,并与《营造法原》中记述的窗的类型、装饰、做法等进行比较分析,以深入探讨上海市明清民居中“窗”的特征。本文由绪论、上海市明清民居概况、窗的形制、窗的装饰艺术、窗的设计体系和结论六个章节组成。其中,第一章为绪论。阐述课题研究的现状、意义、目的,界定论文的研究范围,介绍论文的研究内容和方法。第二章为上海市明清民居概况。从上海市的自然环境、历史文化经济和上海市传统民居的历史沿革及现状,来分析上海市明清民居的概况。第三章为窗的形制。首先阐述窗的概况,进而分析窗的基本构成,并依据《营造法原》划分上海市明清民居中“窗”的类型,对各种类型窗的样式组成、所处位置、具体用途等,结合实例进行了分析研究,并从自然气候和所处房屋功能两方面探究影响窗形制形成的因素。最后,与《营造法原》中有关窗的形制进行比较。第四章为窗的装饰艺术。首先在实地调研的基础上总结归纳上海市明清民居中“窗”的装饰图纹和构件的种类,接着从时代、地域、文人文化和实用四方面探讨上海市明清民居中“窗”的装饰特征,进而分析其装饰手法,并进一步与《营造法原》中窗的装饰进行比较。第五章进行窗的设计体系探讨。通过运用日本近世的“木割理论”,对《营造法原》中有关窗的内容进行分析研究,以制作木割组成图的形式总结归纳《营造法原》中有关窗的设计体系。在此基础上,选取上海市现存的几处具有典型明清风格同时又保存比较完整的民居,进行实地测绘,获得相关数据,并依据《营造法原》中窗的设计体系来分析、整理所得数据,以此探讨上海市明清民居中“窗”的设计规律。第六章为论文的结论部分,总结论文的研究成果。

【Abstract】 Shanghai has many residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties which are rich in history, cultural connotation. Currently academic study on Shanghai residents are more concentrated in the modern Shikumen buildings, but are lack of attention, window in residents of the Ming and Qing Dynasties as an independent study of subjects is even more rare. As an important component of traditional building elements, windows’design and production reflect the historical and cultural connotation of the vernacular architecture. They have high historical, cultural, artistic value, so it’s necessary to study them deeply. At the same time, the study of windows is also contributed to the further study of Jiangnan traditional houses.In this paper, "window" in Shanghai residents of Ming and Qing is the research object, the theoretical basis is "Ying Zao Fa Yuan", and from the window types and decorative arts, design system, "Window" style composition, decoration, design practices and rules, as well as embodied humanities content, geographical characteristics in Shanghai residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties are discussed. Comparative analysis with the types, decoration, practices of windows which are described in "Ying Zao Fa Yuan”are made so as to explore deeply "Window" features in Shanghai residents of Ming and Qing.This paper is composed of six chapters. They are introduction, overview of residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanghai, types of window, decorative art of window, design system of windows and conclusions.The first chapter is introduction. Status quo, meaning,and purpose on research are discussed. And then, the scope of study is defined, the content and methods are introduced.Chapter II is about overview of residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanghai.We analyze the overview of residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanghai, by exploring natural environment, history, culture, economy and the course of development about traditional houses.Chapter III is about types of windows. Firstly, there’s an overview of windows, the basic component window is analyzed further. Then on the basis of "Ying Zao Fa Yuan", "Window" types in Shanghai residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties are categorized. Styles composition, location, specific uses of all window types combined with examples are analyzed. Factors which have influence on forming window types are explored from natural climatic and housing function. Finally, window types in "Ying Zao Fa Yuan" and Shanghai residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties are compared with each other.Chapter IV is about decorative arts of windows. First of all, on the basic of field research, kinds of decorative patterns and components of windows are summarized.and then, decorative features of windows on residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanghai are discussed from four aspects on times, region, scholars’culture and practicality. Then, decorative methods are analyzed, and are compared with decoration of windows in "Yi Zao Fa Yuan" furtherly.In Chapter V, design system of windows is analyzed.By Japanese Kiwari theory,we analyze the contents of windows in "Yi Zao Fa Yuan" so as to summary design system of windows. On this basis, we select several residents with typical style of Ming and Qing Dynasties and completed preservation in Shanghai, survey and map to get relevant data.And then, by analyzing and collating these data, we explore design rule of windows in residents of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanghai.Chapter VI is about conclusions of the paper, the results of research are summarized.


