

Inclusion Problem Research for University Study of Japanese Students in China

【作者】 侯清勇

【导师】 霍益萍;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中外教育关系, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,来华留学生不断增多,不同国家学习者之间的互动也更加频繁。在这种学习环境下,如何更好地融入东道国大学学习逐渐广泛引起重视。现实中来华日本留学生大学学习融入问题严重,很有必要对其展开研究。首先通过问卷、观察和访谈法对他们在大学学习融入问题现状进行了分析,分析发现日本留学生的学习融入偏向边缘化,主要体现在大学学习和群体交往非主流以及学习情感融入度偏低三个方面。随后分别从日本留学生个体和东道国大学两方面分析了其成因,分析发现日本留学生的个体影响因素主要体现在他们性格方面,即不爱表现、重视集体主义精神以及讲和气爱面子等,而东道国大学融入政策也是其重要影响因素。最后结合这两方面的原因,笔者提出了日本留学生和东道国大学的应对建议。

【Abstract】 Foreign students coming to China are increasing gradually at present and interactions between learners from various countries are becoming more frequently. Under this studying circumstance,the question how to better get included in the host university is drawing widespread attention.In reality,the problem of university study inclusion for Japanese students in China is becoming very serious, so the research on it is highly needed.Therefore, at first, the author decides to analyze the current inclusion situation of their university study by using questionnaire, observation and interview in order to deal with it. The research reveals that they are prone to be marginalized during the period of university study in respects of non-mainstream learning, interpersonal interactions between host population on campus and lower extent of emotional inclusion. And then the author makes an analysis of the causes for that problem by considering the impacts of themselves and the host university. The result tells that personalities affecting their study inclusion are main causes and those personalities mainly embody the contents of lower self-expression, appreciation on collectivism and harmony-pursuit and face-saving. And the policies by host university are also very crucial influences of that.Consequently, the researcher provides relevant suggestions to both Japanese students and host university in light of that inclusion problem according to the mutual influences above.

  • 【分类号】G648.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】383

