

Research and Realization of Commercial Real Estate WebGIS Based on Services

【作者】 刘杰

【导师】 吴健平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济和社会的快速发展,商业地产项目的开发和建设进入了发展的快车道。商业地产开发风险高、周期长,涉及规划设计、建筑施工、招商租赁、物业管理等众多业务环节。如何有效地发布、管理、集成和共享各个部门在项目运作过程中产生的数据,以快速、准确、完整的方式为各个阶段提供综合的信息化服务,是每个商业地产项目所面对的难题。本文结合“陆家嘴金融中心区(二期)WebGIS平台”项目开展相关研究,论文总结了商业地产开发面临的难题及GIS在地产开发中的应用现状;研究了WebGIS相关理论及实现技术,并在此基础上剖析了新一代面向空间信息服务和基于AJAX开发方式的WebGIS;探索了将WebGIS和商业地产业务逻辑相结合,并进行系统架构、功能模块和数据库的设计;在上述基础上建立一个基于WebGIS的商业地产信息系统,并运用于陆家嘴金融中心区(二期)WebGIS平台项目中。在理论研究部分,论文首先研究了WebGIS原理及实现技术;然后论述了面向空间信息服务的WebGIS,并以ArcGIS Server为研究对象,具体探讨了服务器端空间信息服务类型、服务管理、池化与非池化、地图服务缓存等内容;最后研究了AJAX实现原理及其应用于WebGIS的现实意义,剖析了ASP.NET和.NETWeb ADF框架中AJAX的实现方式。论文将WebGIS引入商业地产信息管理领域,探索了基于WebGIS整合各部门与项目相关的图形信息、文字信息和空间信息,实现规划、建设、招商和运营等阶段信息的发布、管理、集成及共享。论文的研究成果和创新点如下:1.采用纯B/S架构,GIS功能和业务逻辑紧密相连,能集成办公自动化系统和项目管理系统现有的数据,实现地产空间信息与属性数据的网络共享。2.在研究面向空间信息服务架构和基于此架构的ArcGIS Server基础上,不仅实现了地图浏览、地图测量、信息查询、制图输出等传统的WebGIS功能,还将地理空间分析和动态更换地图服务数据源等功能引入WebGIS中。3.采用AJAX开发方式,提高运行效率、降低网络流量、改善用户体验。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and society in China, the development and construction of commercial real estate also grow rapidly. The development of real estate is long-lasting and high-risk, involving planning design, construction, investment leasing, property management and many other business sectors. How to publish, manage, integrate and share the data produced during the projects’operation process effectively, and provide comprehensive information service for every stage in a fast, accurate and completely way are the problems faced by each commercial real estate project.In this paper, we conduct the research based on the development of Lujiazui financial center (2nd phase) WebGIS system. The paper summarizes current problems and GIS using status in the development of commercial real estate and studies the related theory of WebGIS and implementation technology. Also, the paper analyzes the new generation WebGIS, which is spatial information services-oriented and based on AJAX, and design the system architecture, function modules and database by combining the WebGIS and commercial real estate business logics. Finally, the paper develops a commercial real estate information system based on WebGIS, which has been applied into the Lujiazui financial center (2nd phase) WebGIS platform project.In the theory section, the paper firstly studies the principle of WebGIS and implementation technology. Then it discusses the WebGIS based on spatial information services-oriented architecture, and moreover, it takes the ArcGIS Server as the research object, specifically discussing the type of spatial information service, service management, pooling and non-pooling service, the map service cache etc. Finally this paper discusses the realization principle of AJAX and practical significance of combining AJAX with WebGIS; analyze the realization of AJAX in ASP.NET framework and.NET Web ADF framework. This paper brings the WebGIS into the field of commercial real estate information management, exploring how to integrate the graphical information, text information and spatial information, which are relevant with project, in each department based on WebGIS, realizing the release, management, integration and sharing of information during the planning, construction, investment and operation phases. The research achievements and innovations in this dissertation are as follows:1. Closely combine B/S structure, GIS functionality and business logic, integrate the existing data of office automation systems and project management systems and realize the network share of spatial geography information and real estate data as a result.2. On the basis of studying spatial information services-oriented architecture and ArcGIS Server, the author developed a system that is not only achieved traditional functions, such as map view, map measurement, information query and map output etc. but also brought the geo-spatial analysis and exchanged map service data source dynamically into WebGIS.3. Develop the system based on AJAX, improve the user’s experience and reduce network traffic.

【关键词】 WebGIS商业地产空间信息服务AJAX
【Key words】 WebGISCommercial Real EstateGIServiceAJAX
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】267

