

Research of Evaluation Methods of Ecological Assets of Shanghai Coastal Zone

【作者】 夏艳

【导师】 过仲阳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 生态系统是生命与周围环境构成的综合体,是人类社会持续发展的重要资源,而生态资源价值的表现形式被定义为生态资产。海岸带区域是最活跃的自然地带,也是资源与环境条件最为优越的区域,是具有海陆过渡性质的独立的环境体系,它与人类的生存和发展的关系最为密切。近年来,随着经济发展和社会进步,城市化与工业化的进程逐渐加快,人类对自然环境的影响、开发和利用也达到了前所未有的程度,但是也引发了一系列的海岸带生态环境问题,使得海岸带生态资产价值降低的趋势日益明显。我国东部沿海海岸带地区是人口最密集的地区,人口密度大,由于经济发展初期没有重视海岸带系统的生态化管理,所以海岸带生态环境问题表现得尤为突出。这些问题已经给人们的生产和生活带来了巨大负面影响,成为海岸带地区社会经济发展的瓶颈。认识和计量生态资产对于传统资产观的发展、经济核算、经济评价、经济政策的补充和完善都具有重要的理论意义和改善海岸带生态环境的巨大实践价值,同时还可以指导海岸带地区经济发展、生态环境建设与保护以及政府的宏观决策。借助近年来迅猛发展的空间信息技术,及时、准确和动态地掌握国家/区域的生态资产状况,对于国民经济发展、生态环境建设与保护、各级政府进行宏观决策都具有重要的科学意义。本论文在生态学理论、遥感技术和GIS技术支持下,综合应用统计学方法,建立了海岸带系统生态资产遥感定量评估模型。首先利用太阳辐射量模型结合海岸带地区DEM计算出区域的月总太阳辐射量的分布。其次利用Landsat 5 TM遥感影像得到海岸带地区土地利用状况,从而获取各种生态系统的类型和面积数据。同时利用遥感影像反演出海岸带地区NDVI和植被覆盖度等参数,进一步计算出生态系统的植被净第一性生产力和基本反映生态系统质量状况的调整系数。在此基础上,结合地理属性数据及统计数据,计算海岸带区域的生态资产价值分布图。论文将此模型应用于上海海岸带区域,对其进行了1998年和2005年两期数据的土地利用/覆盖变化的动态比较分析,并计算得到其两年的生态资产价值分布图,同时对生态资产的空间分布情况进行了比较分析和差异研究。

【Abstract】 The ecosystem is a complex consisting of the lives and the environment around them, and it is the necessary resource for the sustainable development of human society. The manifestation of ecological resource value is defined as ecological assets. The coastal region is the most dynamic natural zone and also the most predominant area in resource and environment. The coastal zone is an independent environment system with the characteristics of transition between sea and land, which is closest to the life and development of human beings.With the development of economy and the progress of the society in recent years, the processes of urbanization and industrialization have been accelerated gradually. The impact and exploitation of human beings to the natural resources and environment have been in an unprecedented situation. In addition, a series of problems concerning coastal ecology have emerged, and the decline of ecological assets of the coastal zone has become more and more remarkable. The eastern coastal region is one of the highest population density areas of China. It has significant environment problems due to the less attention to the ecosystem protection in the early economy-developing days. These problems have already become the bottleneck of the social and economic development of coastal region, which bring enormous negative influences to the production and life of the human beings.It is important to understand and measure the ecological assets, which makes great sense in the development of traditional capital concept, the adjustment of economy, complementarities of the economic policies and the practice value of the coastal ecological environment. Meanwhile, the ecological assets can help to guide the economic development of the coastal area, construct and protect the ecological environment and support macro decision-making of the government. It is essential to master the national or regional ecological capital in time, exactly and dynamically with the help of rapid-developing spatial information technologies.The national community economic development, construction and protection of ecological environment and the macro decision-making of the governments at all levels would benefit.In this paper, with the support of ecological principles and methods, Remote Sensing (RS) technology and geographical information system (GIS) technique, we established RS quantitative ecological assessment model for coastal zone. First, the distribution of the total solar radiation was calculated with the solar radiation model based on coastal zone DEM data. Second, we mapped the land use conditions in coastal zones using Landsat 5 TM images. At the same time, the different land use types and size of different kinds of ecosystems was gained. In addition, based on the calculated parameters, such as NDVI, vegetation coverage based on RS images, the net primary productivity (NPP) and adjustment factor were calculated, which could reflect the status of ecosystem quality basically. Finally, the ecological assets distribution in the coastal zone was calculated on the basis of integration of the above work and the geographic attributes and statistics data. The model proposed in this paper was applied in the coastal zone of Shanghai, China. Land use/cover changes(LUCC) in 1998 and 2005 were dynamically and comparatively analyzed, and the ecological assets distribution among the past seven years was calculated, and we also made the comparative analysis and the difference of the ecological spatial distribution in respect years were also analyzed.

  • 【分类号】X196
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】362

