

A Study of Biology Teaching Based on Graphic Organizers in Junior High School

【作者】 戴崝

【导师】 张文华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生物课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴着全国各地课程改革的浪潮,中学生物课程理念也得到了更新:强调学生的主动学习;以学生发展为本,坚持全体学生的全面发展,关注学生个性的健康发展和可持续发展;课程要为学生提供多种学习经历,丰富学习经验,完善学习方式,拓展学习时空等。尽管众多一线初中生物学教师近年来在教学方式上开展了一些尝试,取得了一定成效,但初中生在生物学科上的参与度和投入度仍然不够。学生难以很好地把握生物核心概念间的关联,课堂教学效率有待提高。本文采用文献研究、准实验研究、课堂观察、问卷调查和访谈调查法等方法,对图形组织者进行了概述,对国内外相关研究展开了初步整理,并对其理论基础予以分析。在持续观察了初中生物学课堂后,把握了初中生物学的教学现状;再结合图形组织者开展了准实验研究,并在研究过程中比较了实验班和对照班的教学情况;然后利用问卷、访谈调查收集师生反馈;同时通过分析比较,了解图形组织者对于初中生物学教学的效果。问卷调查涉及学生对于图形组织者在初中生物学中运用所持态度和认识,包括:趣味性、喜爱程度、巩固记忆、建构知识结构、提高自主学习能力、养成良好的思维习惯、启发思维、教学使用期望和拓展延伸运用;学生最认可的就是其趣味性,对图形组织者的喜爱程度与其趣味性的正相关性最高。期末成绩比较表明:图形组织者能有效提高初中生生物学成绩;此外,女生在学业成绩上的平均成绩略高于男生,且对图形组织者的喜爱程度也比男生稍高;对于不同学习状况的学生而言,学优生对图形组织者的认可和使用程度最高,其次是中等生,学困生虽然具有较高的认可度,但使用度却不高。在上述研究基础上,本研究认为:图形组织者能帮助初中生掌握生物学中的陈述性知识和程序性知识,有助于改善初中生物学教学中的师生交流,可让学生能充分体验建构新知的过程,但图形组织者的适用群体广而有别,且促进思考功能的图形组织者需差别运用,同时学生需要学会正确使用图形组织者。因此,笔者建议:应当结合信息科学使图形组织者更加生动化,注重图形组织者的思维启迪功能、在初中生物学教材中适当配以图形组织者,更要同步更新并提升初中生物学教师的教学理念和教学策略。

【Abstract】 With the tide of nationwide curriculum reform, biology curriculum conception in high school has been updated, which puts emphasis on the student-oriented active learning, adheres to the students’development in an all-round way, stresses the healthy and sustainable development of the students’individuality, provides students with various learning experience, enriches experiences, and perfects learning methods as well as extend learning space, etc. Although many a biology teachers in junior high school has turned to new teaching mode in recent years and achieved some, the time and energy students put and participated has been inadequate. In junior high schools, students are difficult to grasp the good correlation between the core concepts of biology; therefore the teaching efficiency has to be improved.Adopting the methods of literature study, quasi-experimental research, classroom observation, questionnaire and interview survey, the paper reviews graphics organizers, makes preliminary sorting of the research at home and abroad, and analyzes its theoretical basis. After continuous observations of biology class in junior high school, we grasp the general biology teaching situation in junior high school; next, utilizes the graphic organizers in experimental studies and comprises the teaching situation in experimental class with that in comparative classes; then, uses the questionnaire and interview investigation to collect the feedback from experimental class; in the mean time, presents the application effect of graphic organizers of biology teaching in junior high school.Questionnaire surveyes students’attitudes and knowledges of graphic organizers used in their biology classes, which include their interests in graphic organizers, their identification of graphic organizers’function on consolidating memory, constructing knowledge structure and improving self-directed learning ability, forming good habits of thinking, inspire the thinking, teaching expectancy and extension. Most of the students is recognized for graphics’ interestingness, and their fondness degree has the highest positive correlation with the interestingness. The final exam’results show that:graphic organizers can effectively improve the juniors’achievements in biology; in addition, the girls average in the academic achievement is slightly higher than the boys, and their graphics organizers fondness degree is slightly higher than boys; For students in different learning conditions, students of high achievement have identified and used graphic organizers most frequently, next, the students of medium achievement, and students of low achievement who have high identification to graphic organizers but hardly use them be the last. The study draws the conclusions that:graphic organizers can help students grasp graphics in declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge of biology; improve the communication between teachers and students in junior high school biology teaching; give students full experiences through constructing knowledge; the applicable groups for graphic organizers are wide and different; the thinking-promoting graphic organizers should be used differently; at the same time, students need be helped to learn how to use graphics organizers properly. The author suggested:graphic organizers should be more vivid by information sciences, and their thinking-inspiration function should be emphasized; graphic organizers can be combined in the biology textbooks, and high school biology teachers’teaching idea and strategies need to be updated simultaneously.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【下载频次】255

