

The Case Study on Mathematical Academic Ability of Children with Mild Mental Retardation Learning in Regular Class

【作者】 张依娜

【导师】 刘春玲;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 特殊教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 数学学业能力包括运算能力、逻辑思维能力、空间想象能力,在中小学基础教育中占有重要地位。由于数学学科的特殊性,随班就读轻度智力残疾学生在数学学业能力上的发展更易受到限制。而我国目前对如何开展随班就读学生数学教育工作还没有十分具体的措施与方法。因此,对随班就读轻度智力残疾学生数学学业能力进行个案研究,不仅能掌握这些学生数学学业能力的现状,还能动态把握这些学生数学学业能力的发展过程,从而为随班就读轻度智力残疾学生的数学教学提供有效指导。本研究选取三名上海市普通学校三至五年级随班就读的轻度智力残疾学生,以个案追踪为主要研究方法,深入了解这些学生在普通学校的数学学业能力,以及数学学习的实际状况,对影响其数学学业能力形成的相关因素进行全面分析。本研究得出以下结论:第一,随班就读轻度智力残疾学生的数学学业能力总体水平较低,随着年级一的增长数学学业能力会有所提高。第二,从数与运算方面来看,三名个案具有一定的数与运算能力,经过练习均可达到中等以下学生的水平。这类学生学习方式比较机械化,难以掌握理解性、应用性知识点。第三,从方程与代数方面来看,随班就读学生数学基础薄弱,难以转变思维方式建立方程概念。第四,从图形与几何方面来看,随班就读学生能够分辨简单几何图形、计算简单图形的周长与面积,但由于缺乏空间想象能力,几何应用能力较差,容易混淆几何概念。第五,从数据整理与概率统计方面来看,随班就读学生能够按照给定的标准对物体进行分类、计数,但难以从众多数据中提取有效信息解决问题,缺乏综合应用能力。第六,影响随班就读轻度智力残疾学生数学学业能力的主要原因是综合学习能力较差。而缺乏学习兴趣、较差注意力、错误听课方法、不良学习习惯、不当教学方式与辅导方式等,也在一定程度上抑制随班就读学生数学学业能力的进步与发展。基于以上研究结果,研究者提出了适当调整随班就读学生的教学内容、激发随班就读学生的数学学习兴趣、通过各种数学活动加深对数与方程的理解、借助实物帮助随班就读学生建立空间观念、结合现实生活体验训练数据整理与概率统计能力等教育建议。

【Abstract】 Mathematical academic ability includes computing power, logical thinking and spatial imagination. It plays an important role in basic education of primary and secondary. As the special nature of mathematics, children with mild mental retardation have difficulties in learning mathematics. However, at present our country doesn’t have detailed measures and methods to carry out mathematics education of children with mild mental retardation learning in regular class. Therefore, we need a case study of these students’ mathematical academic ability. According to the results of study, we could know their status of mathematics academic ability and their learning process of mathematics, then offer effective suggestions for mathematics education.In this study, three children with mild mental retardation are selected, who are in grade 3-5 and come from ordinary schools in Shanghai.Through case tracking, this study focus on these students’mathematical academic ability and actual state of mathematics learning, and analyze the factors related to the formation of mathematical ability.The results showed that:First, overall, children with mild mental retardation have low level of mathematical academic ability, and with the growth of grade, their abilities will be increased.Second, in the numbers, digits and calculation, three cases have certain mathematical calculation ability. They can achieve middle level through practice. It is difficult for them to grasp the understanding and application of knowledge.Third, in the equations and algebra, it is difficult for them to change the way of thinking to establish the concept of equation.Fourth, in the graphics and geometric, due to lack of spatial imagination, they can’t understand concepts and solve problems with geometric knowledge.Fifth, in the data statistics and probability, they can classify and count in accordance with the standards given. But it is difficult for them to get useful information from a number of information to solve problem.Sixth, low mathematics achievement is mainly due to poor learning ability. Learning interest, attention, student study habits, teaching methods, parent guidance is also the factors of low achievement.Based on above results, the researcher proposed the following suggestions for the education of children with mild mental retardation:suitable deletion of the course content, stimulating interest in learning mathematics, deepening the understanding of numbers and equations through a variety of mathematical activities, building spatial concept with objects, training statistics and sorting capabilities through the life experience and so on.

  • 【分类号】G764
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】333

