

Investigation and Experimental Research on Life Style and Physical Health of Adolescent Students

【作者】 李玉强

【导师】 尹小俭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 经济的快速发展,促进了科学技术、社会生产力水平的提高,机械化、自动化、信息化程度的提高,又影响着人们的生产方式、生活方式发生巨大变化。这些变化既为人类带来许多便利,增加了生产效益,节省了许多体力劳动,但也带来一些负面影响,如体力劳动机会的减少,身体活动的不足,加之食物结构的改善,造成人们的营养过剩。生产方式、生活习惯急剧变化的当今社会,青少年学生也不可避免的受到一定的影响。导致青少年学生的生活习惯变化、体质下降的原因有多方面,例如,互联网的出现和流行,使一些青少年学生易沉溺于网络;家庭生活水平的提高及独生子女增多,出现青少年生活习惯不规律、饮食结构不均衡、身体活动量减少等现象,这些因素导致部分学生体质下降,引起肥胖症或一些“不良生活习惯病”等。青少年学生属于一个特殊群体,他们是祖国的未来、民族的希望,他们正处于生长发育的关键阶段,如何引导他们形成良好的生活习惯,如何保持健康的体魄,已成为当今社会面临的一个重大研究课题。本研究通过对上海市静安区的两所初级中学(上海市第一中学、上海市市西初级中学)和四所小学(静安小学、静安第一中心小学、静安第三中心小学、万航渡路小学)的部分学生进行诸如生活习惯问卷调查、体质测试等的研究,并找出目前青少年学生存在哪些不良的生活习惯,在体质健康方面有哪些不足之处等。同时,我们还对上述六所学校体质测试的成绩得分低于平均值的部分学生(小学140名学生、中学160名学生)进行为期一年的健康运动处方的实验干预研究,从而探讨青少年学生的生活习惯与体质健康等之间的相互关系,为构建适合我国青少年学生体质健康发展提供重要的现实依据。通过调查和实验研究,得出以下结论:1小学1.1生活习惯方面,部分小学生睡眠时间不足、缺乏体育活动、营养水平高、对健康认识不明确。1.2身体形态方面,干预后干预组和对照组身高均呈自然增长,不存在统计学差异。体重方面,干预组和对照组相比,干预组学生体重得到很好的控制。1.3身体素质方面,干预组学生的仰卧起坐、立定跳远、50m跑及坐位体前屈成绩增长值显著性高于对照组的学生的增长值,并均具有统计学意义。2中学2.1生活习惯方面,部分初中学生睡眠不足、缺乏体育锻炼、使用电脑玩游戏时间过长、对健康意识的认识仅仅停留于认知的层面。2.2身体形态方面,干预组和对照组身高均呈自然增长,不存在统计学差异。体重方面,实验后干预组与对照组相比虽然不存在统计学差异,但干预组学生的体重均低于对照组,说明体重得到一定程度的控制。2.3身体素质方面,实验后干预组学生成绩均好于对照组,特别女生干预组总成绩显著性好于对照组,存在统计学差异。2.4身体机能方面,干预组男生的肺活量成绩要好于对照组,干预组女生的肺活量成绩与对照组相比没有显著性差异。

【Abstract】 Rapid economic development, promoting science and technology, raising the level of social productivity, mechanization, automation, improvement in the level of information, but also affect the modes of production, life changed dramatically. These changes have brought many human convenience, increased production efficiency, saving a lot of manual labor, but it also brings some negative effects, such as opportunities to reduce manual labor, lack of physical activity, combined with the improvement of food structure, resulting in people nutrition. Production and living habits of today rapidly changing society, students will also inevitably affect to some extent. Lead to changes in living habits of young students, there are many physical reasons for the decline, especially the emergence and spread of the Internet, so that some young students easily indulged;family living standards and increased child appeared youth lifestyle irregular, unbalanced diet, reduced physical activity and other phenomena, these factors led some students to physical deterioration, cause obesity, or some "bad habits" disease etc.Belong to a special group of young students; they are the future hope of the nation. Young students are at a crucial stage of growth and development, how to guide them to form well habits, how to keep healthy constitution, a society faces a major problem.In this study, Jing’an district of Shanghai by two junior high schools (Shanghai No.1 Middle School, Shanghai City West Junior High School),and four elementary schools (JingAn Primary School, JingAn First Central Primary School, JingAn third Central Primary School, WanHangDuRoad Primary School) students as part of lifestyle questionnaire, physical testing, research, and find out what poor young students currently living habits, in which physical health deficiencies, etc.Based on this made for the healthy development of contemporary young students a good lifestyle model.We also six schools on the physical test results of the assignment of students, including some of the students scored below the average, 140 primary school students,160 secondary school students for one year’s health prescription, etc. The experimental intervention study young students to explore the lifestyle and the interaction between physical healths and life style for building suited to China young students to develop a good physical health important path to delivering realistic basis.Through surveys and experimental studies, the following conclusions:1 Primary school 1.1 Life style,some students’lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, nutrition, high level of awareness of health is not clear.1.2 Body patterns, the intervention group and control group showed a natural growth height, there is no significant difference. Weight, the intervention groups compared with controls, intervention group students get good control.1.3 Physical aspects of the intervention group students’sit-ups, standing long jump,50m run, and Sit and Reach score significantly higher than growth in value of the growth of value for students, and were statistically significant.2 Middle school2.1 Life style, some middle school students’lack of sleep, lack of physical exercise, use of computer games for too long, the health conscious awareness stop at the level of awareness.2.2 Body shape, the intervention group and control group showed a natural growth height, there is no significant difference. Weight, the experimental group after the intervention compared with the control group although there is no significant difference, but the weight of students in the intervention group was lower than the control group, indicating a certain degree of control over body weight.2.3 Physical aspects of the experimental results after the intervention group students were better than the control group;in particular, a total score of girls in the intervention group was significantly better than the control group, there was significant difference.2.4 Body shape, the intervention group boys score better than the control group lung capacity, vital capacity of girls in the intervention group compared with the control performance is no different.

  • 【分类号】C913.5
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1074

