

A Study on Cultivation Mechanism of Moral Personality of Contemporary College Students

【作者】 杨庆岳

【导师】 刘绍庭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 培养大学生良好的道德品质,实现大学生道德人格的发展与完善始终是高校道德教育的重要目标之一。大学生作为民族的希望和祖国的未来,提高他们的道德素质,完善他们的道德人格,对于确保实现建设社会主义和谐社会、加快社会主义现代化建设的目标,使我国在当前激烈的国际竞争中处于不败之地,具有重大的战略意义。然而,由于受到西方各种社会思潮和价值观念的冲击,以及社会结构和利益关系日趋多样化,使得部分大学生的道德人格出现扭曲,甚至犯罪现象增多。因而,如何培养大学生积极健康的道德人格成为摆在道德教育面前的现实问题。本文从培养大学生道德人格的机制入手,探索大学生道德人格培养的途径和方法。本文分为以下四个部分:第一部分:相关概念的理论分析。在这一部分中着重对人格的内涵以及道德人格的含义、特征和结构等进行了说明。其中道德人格有三个特征:意志自主性、道德认知与行为的同一性和构成要素的完整性。道德人格结构,即由道德需要和动机、道德认知、道德情感、道德意志、道德信念构成的道德人格的心理基础和道德行为。第二部分:当代大学生道德人格发展的现状及其成因。首先,对我国当代大学生道德人格发展的总体态势做了一个概括性分析,并得出当代大学生道德人格在总体上呈现一种积极、健康的发展态势的基本结论。然后,针对当代大学生道德人格发展中存在的主要问题,主要从道德认知、道德情感、道德意志和道德行为等方面进行了分析和说明。最后,从市场经济的负面因素的影响、多元文化的客观存在及其负面影响、现实道德教育的欠缺以及当代大学生自身的特质等四个方面对当代大学生道德人格发展中的若干问题的形成原因展开了深入分析。第三部分:大学生道德人格建构的目标和内容。首先,对大学生道德人格构建的目标体系进行了划分:提升大学生道德需要的层次;促进大学生道德人格心理的完善和发展;养成大学生良好的道德行为习惯。然后,指出了大学生道德人格建构的主要内容,即忠实诚信的操守、仁爱互助的情怀、勇敢正直的气概、慎独自律的意识、自强不息的精神。第四部分:大学生道德人格培养机制的建立与完善。首先分析了大学生道德人格建构的原则,并概括为正确导向原则、有效互动原则、整体优化原则、循序渐进原则和创新开放原则。然后,从六个方面归纳了大学生道德人格塑造的主要途径:发挥思想政治理论课在大学生道德人格教育中的主渠道作用;提升教职工人格素养以影响大学生健全人格的养成;加强和改进大学生良好人格养成的制度化建设:重视校园文化在大学生理想道德人格塑造的载体作用;优化大学生道德人格培养的社会和家庭环境;在人格教育过程中与中小学德育有效衔接。最后,提出了大学生道德人格建构的四个主要方法:榜样示范法、社会实践法、环境熏陶法和自我修养法。

【Abstract】 It is one of an important goal to cultivate good moral character of students and achieve development and improvement for students’ moral character in moral education of colleges and universities. College students are the hope of our nation and the future of the motherland.It has great strategic significance,to improve their moral quality and improve their moral character, for ensuring the realization of building the socialist harmonious society and accelerating socialist modernization goals, and to be sure that our country will be in non-lost land in the current fierce international competition in the world.However, the impact of Western ideas and values of social, as well as the relationship between social structures and interests of the increasingly diversified, has become important reasons for making part of the college students in moral character distortions and crime increased.Thus, how to train college students to have active and healthy moral character is placed in front of the practical problems of moral education.In the article,the starting point is to train the Moral Personality of the mechanism of college students to explore ways of Moral Personality and methods of cultivation.This article is divided into the following four parts:Part I:Theoretical analysis of related concepts. In this part, it is included the connotation of personality, the meaning of moral personality, characteristics of moral personality and structure of moral personality. And, it focuses on the moral character of the three characteristics, the will of autonomy, moral cognition and behavior of the constituent elements of identity and integrity, and moral personality structure which is including moral needs and motivation,the conformation of psychological basis of moral character by moral awareness, moral emotion,moral will and moral beliefs, and moral behavior.PartⅡ:Status of moral character development and causes for the contemporary college students. First, I made a general overall trend analysis for the moral character of Chinese contemporary college students, and concluded that the moral personality of contemporary college students showed a positive and healthy development momentum in general. Then,which mainly from the moral awareness, moral, emotional, moral will and moral aspects of behavior, made a general analysis of moral character development in the contemporary college students’ major problems.Finally, it is a moral character development of contemporary college students in the causes of the problem analysis,which mainly from four aspects of the negative impact of the market economy, the negative impact of multiculturalism,the reality of the lack of moral education,as well as the nature of contemporary college students and so on.PartⅢ:objectives and contents of construction of Moral Personality. The objectives of Construction of Moral Personality which is divided into moral imperative to enhance the level of university students, the promotion in improvement of Moral Personality Psychology and development, developing students good moral behavior. Then,points out the students construct the content of the moral personality, which is including the faith of faithful to the integrity, the feelings of love and mutual assistance,the integrity of courageous spirit, the cautiousness and self-awareness and the spirit of unceasing self-improvement.PartⅣ:College students Moral Personality of the establishment and improvement of training system.First, this section analyzes the principles of Moral Personality which is summarized by the correct orientation, the principle of effective interaction,the overall optimization principles, the principle of gradual,orderly progress and innovation in the open principle.Then,this part presents the main ways to shape the moral character of college students, which includes to play the ideological and political theory courses as the main channel in college students’ moral character education;to enhance personality of teaching and administrative staff in order to influence college students having a healthy moral character, to strengthen and improve institutionalization in cultivating sound personality of college students; to pay attention to the carrier place of campus culture in developing college students’ ideal moral character; to optimize the social and family environment of college student’s personality and moral training; and to effectively combine moral education in middle and primary schools with process of personality education. Finally, the outlines of Moral Personality of the four main methods are an example of the Model, social practice,and environmental education and influenced by self-cultivation.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】697

