

The Study on the Additions and Corrections to Zuo Zhuan-Du Jie

【作者】 陈飒飒

【导师】 徐德明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文着重对明人、清人研究《左传》杜注的成果进行了概括,对最新的学术动态进行了回顾,从而试图对顾炎武《左传杜解补正》(以下简称《补正》)一书作全面深入的研究。在吸收和借鉴了前人学术成果的基础上,本文考查了《左传杜解补正》一书的版本源流,分析了顾氏的注释体例、注释方法、注释特点,总结了顾氏运用地理学、小学、兵法学、史学、《诗》学、历法学、民俗学等方面的学术造诣注释杜解所取得的成就,确立了顾氏在《左传》杜注领域的学术地位。阐述了其对后世的考据学派、历史地理学、学术风气、海外《左传》学等所产生的深远影响。对《左传杜解补正》一书的不足之处,也举例指出。本文着力对《补正》版本源流进行了梳理,搞清了版本源流,纠正了一些错误的提法。通过大量例子,充分说明《补正》一书所取得的学术成就,以期引起学界的重视。

【Abstract】 On the basis of emphasizing the research achievement on Zuo Zhuan-Du Zhu of the scholars in Ming and Qing Dynasty, the author reviewed the latest forefront, which is for making a deep and overall study on the additions and corrections to Zuo Zhuan-Du Jie (hereinafter referred to as the additions and corrections).After learning from the predecessors’academic publications, this paper has explored the origins and sequence of various editions, analyzed the note style, note methods and note characteristic, summarized Gu Tinglin’ atteinments by the way of utilizing the knowledge of geography, characters, phonology, commentariology, military system, history, calendarn and folklore, established Gu Tinglin’ academic standing in the field of Zuo Zhuan-Du Zhu, elabrated its far-reaching influence on later textual research School, historical geography, academic atmosphere, overseas academics. On the other hand, it has also cited occasions in inadequate aspect.This thesis has concentrated on the the origins and sequence of various editions, which is uncertain before, and rectified some mistakes. By giving a large number of examples, the author speak volume for the academic achievements, in hopes that the additions and corrections can be valued.

  • 【分类号】K204
  • 【下载频次】149

