

Design and Implement the Recommended System of Online Scientific Literature

【作者】 崔金英

【导师】 沈霄凤;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为了帮助研究人员从数量繁多、质量参差不齐的网络科技文献中,快速高效地查阅到符合研究人员需求的高质量的网络科技文献,解决现今“有限的信息处理能力与信息庞杂之间的矛盾”,遏制由于现行网络科技文献评价体系缺失和错位所导致的学术垃圾的泛滥和学术的不端行为,笔者在前人研究的基础上,探索网络科技文献的推荐体系。笔者首先介绍了本论文的理论基础,包括网络科技文献、推荐、质量等概念的界定、文献计量学理论、数据挖掘理论、“掘客”理论等,借鉴引文分析方法,创造性地将web2.0时代下的新产物——掘客,引入到网络科技文献的推荐体系中,改变了以往仅靠期刊影响因子或者被引次数来衡量网络科技文献质量的现状,采用文献计量学、专家评价、多元回归分析等方法,对已经获得的数据进行统计分析,初步建立了一个较为理想的综合的网络科技文献推荐体系,并使用Microsoft Office Access 2003设计和建立数据库,使用Dreamweaver设计基于该推荐体系的网络科技文献推荐系统的界面,使用ASP、JavaScript等技术开发该系统的各功能模块,继而运行、改进并优化系统,最后将该系统在07级、08级的教育信息技术学系的62名同学中试用,最终完成对网络科技文献推荐体系的验证。该系统可以被嵌入到网络科技文献检索系统中使用,具有很强的应用价值。

【Abstract】 In order to help researchers look over the high-quality online of scientific literature which meets the research needs from the vast amount of literature of varying quality of online technology quickly and efficiently,to resolve the current conflicts between the limited information processing capacity and the bulky information,to curb the proliferation of academic and academic garbage misconduct caused by the loss and dislocation of the existing scientific literature evaluation system online,the author bases on previous research to explore the quality of scientific literature on the evaluation of the online.The author first introduces the theoretical basis of this thesis, including the definition of online scientific literature,recommendations,quality concepts,bibliometrics theory,theory of data mining,"dig" theory, and draws on the method of citation analysis,introducing the new products of web2.0 era of -Driving off to the recommended system of online scientific literature evaluation in a creative way, changing previous journal impact factor alone or the number of cited scientific literature to measure the quality of online technology documents.The author uses some methods,such as literature metrology and expert evaluation multiple regression analysis to sum up and analyse the data already obtained meanwhile establishes a relatively ideal the recommended system of online scientific literature initially and uses Microsoft Office Access 2003 designing and building the database,and it also uses the Dreamweaver designing a interface of online technology literature recommendation system,using ASP、JavaScript and other technical development of various functional modules of the system,then running,improving and optimizing the system,and probates the system among 62 students in 07,08,Educational information & technology at last,finally it completes the evaluation of the recommended system of online scientific literature.The system can be embedded into today’s online scientific used in literature retrieval systems,which has a strong value.

【关键词】 网络科技文献推荐挖掘
【Key words】 Online Scientific LiteratureRecommendDig
  • 【分类号】G353
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】347

