

Research on the Spatial Dispersion of Megalopolises and Development Strategy of New Towns

【作者】 乔森

【导师】 孙斌栋;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 城市是区域经济发展的核心,特大城市则是区域经济发展的“引擎”。城市的规模越大,其对区域经济发展的辐射带动作用就越强。但城市规模过大时,社会经济发展要素在城市空间的过度集中,也使得特大城市面临交通拥堵、人口密集、环境污染、空间蔓延等“大城市病”。为缓解这些矛盾和问题,实现特大城市的空间疏解,新城的建设成为世界上一些国家和地区的战略抉择之一。作为中国最大的城市,上海早在建国之初就开始了新城的规划建设。但发展至今,上海历史上形成的中心城人口和产业过度集中、城镇结构不合理、市区和郊区不平衡的状况仍未发生根本性变化。此外,近年来国内其它(特)大城市也兴起了新城开发的热潮。因此,对比总结新城建设的实效,分析判断新城建设的适用性,对于促进特大城市的合理发展以及规避新城的盲目建设,无疑具有现实的指导意义。本文在总结回顾新城发展的相关理论及新城建设的实践历程的基础上,深入探讨了新城对特大城市空间疏解的作用效果,并分析了其实现条件。本文研究认为:新城对流向中心城的人口具有一定的截阻作用,但对中心城人口的疏解作用有限;新城一定程度上缓解了中心城产业和职能过度集中的状况,但同时也带来就业居住失衡、卧城等一些新的问题;新城在不同国家和地区的建设效果不同,褒贬不一,难以给与一致的评价。新城对特大城市的空间疏解具有一定的效果,但其实现需要具备一定的社会经济条件:城市经济的高度发展;郊区化趋势的显现;土地开发的严格管理;政府组织的相对集权;充足而多元化的产业支撑等。此外,针对“上海新城发展”的主题,借鉴关于上海新城及松江新城的已有研究成果,结合分别基于上海中心城与松江新城居民的问卷调查与实地调研,先后研究考察了上海新城在人口疏解与产业分散、松江新城在居住与就业等方面的发展成效与现状,着重分析指出上海新城在发展建设中存在的功能定位偏低、产业支撑不足、规划建设缺乏连续性、缺乏立法保障与政策扶持、轨道交通发展滞后、新城理念宣传不到位、中心城发展与郊区新城缺乏联动性等多方面的问题,并据此提出促进上海郊区新城发展的若干政策建议。

【Abstract】 Cities are the cores of regional economic development, while megalopolises are the powerful engines. The scale of cites is closely related to their boosting roles in regional economic development. However, accompanied with cities’overscale, over-agglomeration of socio-economic factors is generally produced otherwise, which results in urban problems in megalopolises, such as traffic congestion, high population density, environmental pollution and spatial sprawl. To tackle the urban troubles, the construction of new towns has become an important development strategy for many countries and regions around the world.As China’s largest city, Shanghai has construsted new towns early since 1940s. However, there are no radical changes to the inner city’s chronic problems such as irrational urban structure and excessive concentration of population and industry so far. At the same time, other megalopolises and cities have been enthusiastic in building new towns in recent years. Therefore, it is practically essential for us to summarize, analyze and judge the actual effect and applicability of new towns in order to promote the rational development of megalopolises and cities.After a general review of theory development and practices of new towns world-wide, this thesis studies the effect that new towns take to megalopolises’spatial dispersion.This article concludes that:new towns restrain the inflow of population to inner city, but can seldom prevent the outflow of population from inner city; new towns alleviate the excessive concentration of megalopolises somehow,while bringing about some other problems on the other hand; it is hard to draw consistent conclusion and rating on new towns’roles and fuctions to the spatial dispersion of megalopolises since they have different results in developed and developing countries. New towns will do some use to megalopolises on the following conditions:developed urban economy, prevalent suburbanization, strict management of land development, relatively centralized governmental organization, adequate and diversified industries.Futhermore, based on questionnaire surveys and spot investigation taken both in inner city and songjiang new town in shanghai, this paper summarizes and analyses the present situation and troubles of shanghai’s new towns, songjiang new town included, in the dispersion of population and industry, and housing and employment. Aamongst the study, the problems involved with new towns’development are specially emphasized as the following:irrational function orientation, inadequate industry support, lack of legislation and laws, lag in construsting rail transit, poor advertising and promoting of new towns etc.And finally, some policies and suggestions concerned are put forward accordingly.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】865

