

High School Teaching Research of Reading Novel for the New Curriculum

【作者】 蒋芸芸

【导师】 郑桂华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为中学课本中重要的文学体裁,小说因其曲折生动的情节和千姿百态的人物形象而广受学生的喜爱。但中学的小说教学却不尽人意,现有的小说教学模式不仅没有激发出学生的阅读兴趣、培养和提高他们的阅读、审美和分析能力,而且使他们因为千篇一律的解读产生出厌烦情绪。究其原因,一方面是中学语文的课程标准未能提供足够的小说知识细目,课程内容开发滞后;另一方面教材的编写体例也不够完善,缺乏完整和系统的小说知识,无法为师生提供方便操作的平台。20世纪以来,随着现代主义、后现代主义和解构主义思潮的兴起,小说这一文学形式发生了很大的变化。小说的关注重点开始由现实走向了心理,由外部转向了内部,由稳定趋向了离散。新近入选语文教材的许多现当代小说,在情节性和故事性方面都有不同程度的削弱,因而仅仅围绕情节、人物、环境三要素为主进行教学的传统的小说教学模式已无法适应小说文本的改变。传统小说教学中审美分析程式化和文本解读模式化的缺陷亟需得到弥补和改善。因此,本文从语文课程与教学的角度出发,通过对语文新课程标准、小说课程内容建设、教材体例及小说教学的分析,全面具体地探讨小说在语文教学中的地位和小说在新课程标准、课程内容建设、教材体例及教学方面的得失。同时针对小说在上述方面存在的问题,寻求积极可行的对策,使得小说教学能够帮助学生提高阅读能力、得到全面的发展,令他们不仅喜爱阅读小说,并且通过小说的学习,真正爱上语文这门课程。

【Abstract】 As an important literary genre in high school textbooks, novel is very popular among students because of its twisted, vivid plots and various styles of characters. However, the teaching of novel is not satisfying. The current teaching mode not only failed in stimulating students’ interests, improving proficiency and enhancing their reading ability, but also make students feel boring for the same stereotype of analyses.The reasons for this situation are complicated. On one hand, the curriculum standards do not provide enough details of novel’s knowledge and the development of curriculum content is fallen behind. On the other hand, the compilation of teaching materials is not good enough to supply integrated and systemic novel knowledge, so it cannot provide a feasible platform for teachers and students to manipulate.The form of novel has changed a lot since the development of Modernism, Postmodernism and Deconstruction from 20th Century. Focuses of novel have turned from reality into psychology, from outside into inside, form steadiness into separation.Many modern and contemporary novels which newly added into teaching materials are not especially outstanding in plots and stories. The traditional teaching mode of novels which mainly concerns the plot, character and environment is not suitable for the change of novels’ texts. The reformation and innovation to avoid the defects of stereotypes about esthetic analyses and comprehensions of text in traditional teaching of novel are imperative.Therefore, from the aspect of Chinese curriculum and novel teaching, and through the analyses of new standards of Chinese curriculum, the construction and structure of curriculum content, and the teaching of novel, this dissertation discusses comprehensively and specifically about all the issues met in novel teaching and tries to find positive and feasible solutions, so that novel teaching could help students improve their reading ability and get all-around development, and make them not only like reading, but also be fond of Chinese curriculum authentically.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1166

