

Wang Anyi’s Country Writing

【作者】 董远方

【导师】 文贵良;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 王安忆作为当代文坛非常活跃的作家之一,其旺盛的创作精力和丰富的文学成就已被评论界认可。考察当代文学史,可以发现王安忆始终处在文学潮流的风口浪尖上,又能够与之保持一定的距离。在《长恨歌》发表以后,王安忆更多的被人们作为为上海作家、海派传人研究和阅读,而事实上,王安忆在30余年的写作中来从未停止过对乡土的叙述与思考。本文拟从四个阶段的具体文本出发,通过细读的方式,梳理分析王安忆写作中涉及乡土社会、乡村空间、乡民生活的文本,研究王安忆在不同时期如何在自己的小说世界中结构出“乡土”,并联系她的其他作品,考察王安忆在文本中如何处理城乡关系等问题。全文除前言和结语外,共分为四个部分:第一章,分析王安忆在知青文学阶段的乡土写作,重点分析了《69届初中生》和《冷土》两部作品,在这一阶段,王安忆敏锐地感知到了城乡阶层的之间的“墙基”,通过对城市知青“雯雯”和乡村青年“刘以萍”生活道路的叙述,讲述了广大被忽略了的“普通人”企图进入另一空间的失败体验。第二章,分析王安忆在寻根文学潮流中的乡土写作,以经典文本《大刘庄》、《小鲍庄》为细读对象,理清王安忆从抽象到抽象的寻根道路。在此阶段王安忆的写作以建立起一个整体中国形象为目标,然而结构“乡土”这一意义空间时则必须从两种以上的空间、话语系统的对比中展开,王安忆寻根文学写作方法的特征显示出了在作家那里乡土的“异质性”。第三章,90年代王安忆经历了一个重建精神之塔的过程,在对现代工业社会的到来感到不满与哀恸的同时,王安忆也重新放置了“乡土”在她的小说世界中的位置。这表现在以下两个方面——在现实中作为“受害者”出现的乡土社会和在精神意义上作为审美理想存在的乡土空间。第四章,移民文学的写作使得王安忆重新找到了城市空间和乡土空间相互开启的可能性。通过对《姊妹们》与《姊妹行》、《大学生》与《民工刘建华》的对比分析,可以发现王安忆对乡民的性格与命运的描述方面发生了戏剧性的变化。通过对《富萍》、《骄傲的皮匠》、《上种红菱下种藕》等作品的细读,可以看到王安忆期待在城市中发现乡村,期待在文本中创造出“劳动与美”的理想形态。以书写乡村的方式,为城市正名。

【Abstract】 As one of the most active writers of modern Chinese literary circle, Wang Anyi, with her energetic continuous writing and abundant works, has been praised by the literature critics. Look back through the history of modern Chinese literature, it will be found that Wang has always been of the leading persons of the literary trends while somehow kept an arm’s length. After her Poem of Eternal Regrets, she has been mostly regarded as a shanghai writer or a heritress of shanghai writing style.Actually, she has never stopped considering the country writing and its styles during her more than 30 years composing. In this paper, the author systemizes and analyses her text relevant with the country society, country spaces and country living through careful text reading with her certain texts in four periods, to study how Wang structure the "country" in her fictional worlds of different periods and to find out how she deals with the relations between city and country in text with examples from her fictions.There are four parts except the forewords and the summaries:In chapterⅠ, the paper analyses Wang’s country writing in the educated youth literature period, taking Middle-school-students of the Year 1969 and Cold Land as main examples. In this period, Wang sharply apperceived the "basement of wall" between city and country people. She described the neglected failure of a common people who wanted to get into the other space by narrating the experience of Wenwen, an educated girl from city, and Liu Yiping, a country girl.In chapterⅡ, the paper analyses Wang’s country writing during the root-seeking trend with the Daliuzhaung Village and Xiaobaozhuang Village as the main study objects and clears her root-seeking road.During this period, Wang tried to set up an unitary image of China in her writing, which means she had to construct the meaning space of "country" by the comparison between more than two spaces and discourse systems.Wang’s writing style in her root seeking works exposes the heterogeneity of her "country".In chapterⅢ, the paper gives a narration on the rebuilding her tower of spirit Wang experienced in 1990s.During this period, while Wang was unsatisfied and sad with the coming of modern industrial society, she repositioned the "country" in her writings as well, which was shown in the following two aspects:the country society as an actual victim and the country space as an aesthetic virtual ideality.Chapter IV, Wang finally found the possibility to communicate between city and country spaces through the immigrant literature writing one more time.By the contract among Sisters, Lyrics of Sisters, Undergraduates and Peasant Worker Liu Jianhua, the paper shows the dramatic changes in Wang’s narrations about the characters and fates of peasants.Through the analysis of Fuping, Proud cobbler, water caltrop above lotus root beneath etc.,it shows Wang’s expectation of finding country in city and of the ideal situation of "beauty and labor" in her text. She tries to rectify names for city by her country writing.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】572

