

The Intensive Training Mode of Chinese Language Teacher

【作者】 王子玥

【导师】 华霄颖;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 对外汉语教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的腾飞和国际政治地位的不断提升,越来越多的国家开始关注中国、了解中国,汉语也因此受到了人们的重视,逐渐发展成为一门热门语言。近年来,全球学习汉语的人数快速增长,来华进行汉语学习的外国学生人数也逐年递增。汉语学习者数量的激增,对汉语教师形成了较大的需求。为了满足不断增长的汉语学习需求,扩大汉语师资规模和提高汉语教师素质成为对外汉语教学事业必须面对且急需解决的严峻问题。汉语教师的培养与培训是解决汉语师资缺乏的重要途径。就教师传统教育模式而言,教学周期长、教学实践机会有限,不能应对目前师资缺乏的急迫形势;而教师培训的培训时间与教师教育周期相比,使用时间较短,培训内容可以根据不同的需求确定不同的培训重点,灵活性也相对较强。面对汉语师资的巨大缺口,对汉语教师进行快速有效的培训成为短期内提供大量师资的较好途径。这样一来,对培训模式的研究就显得尤为重要,使用有效的培训模式才能较好地完成培训任务,达到培训效果。建立汉语教师强化培训模式,使受训教师能够在短时间内胜任汉语课堂教学,既为汉语师资培训提供有效的指导,又可以通过培训缓解师资紧缺的现状,因此,该模式的建立具有很强的现实意义。全文共分为五个部分。分别阐述了汉语教学迅速发展、汉语师资缺乏的现状,通过对相关文献的梳理和对汉语教师培训实践的考察,分析并总结了汉语师资存在的问题。同时,对弗吉尼亚大学暑期汉语强化学习项目的教师培训进行个案研究,总结该项目教师培训的特点,为建立汉语教师强化培训模式奠定实践基础。在此基础上,初步建立汉语教师强化培训模式,对培训目标和培训内容进行了理论研究,并尝试把微格教学运用于汉语教师强化培训模式,从培训方法的角度对汉语教师强化培训模式进行进一步的构建,进而完成该模式的建立。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of China’s economy and the rising international status of politics, more and more countries began to focus on China. Chinese gradually become a popular language. In recent years, the number of foreign students who study Chinese is increasing year by year. There is a great demand for Chinese teachers. In order to meet the increasing demand on Chinese learning, increasing numbers of Chinese teachers and improving Chinese teachers’ quality is the urgent problems.Chinese teacher’s cultivation and training is an important way to provide Chinese teachers. The traditional education system need a long time to educate teachers, it can not present to the urgent shortage of teachers. Compared with the traditional education system, the time of the teacher training is short, the training content can be arranged according to the different targets. It’s flexible. Teacher training is a better way to provide Chinese teachers quickly and efficiently. Thus, the study of training mode is particularly important. Effective training mode can have a good training effect. Building the intensive training mode of Chinese teachers can not only provide effective guidance, but also alleviate the shortage of Chinese teachers. Therefore, this model has strong practical significance.The text is divided into five parts. I analysed the present Chinese teachers’ training situation. Based on the related literature in education system, I analyzed and summarized the problems of Chinese teachers’ training.On the basis of the research of the university of Virginia Chinese teachers’ training, I did tracking study of the trainee teachers. This teacher training is a good practice base for Chinese teacher’s intensive training mode.The third chapter is to establish the intensive training mode of Chinese teacher. This chapter preliminarily established this mode and study the training objectives and the training contents.The fourth chapter is the micro teaching using in the intensive training mode of Chinese teacher. This chapter is to construct the training method and finish the establishment of the mode.

【关键词】 培训模式强化汉语教师
【Key words】 Training modeIntensiveChinese teacher
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】613

