

The Diversiform Style of Musical Sing

【作者】 李多

【导师】 高晓东;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 音乐剧(Musical)是当今风靡世界的一种艺术形式,在短短一百年的时间里,在西方获得了巨大的发展并广泛的传播到了全世界,音乐剧渊源于从传统正歌剧中派生出的喜歌剧、轻歌剧等,并广泛吸收了爵士音乐、乡村音乐、摇滚音乐、说唱艺术、现代舞等各种表现因素,逐步发展成为一种兼容并包的综合性舞台艺术形式,形成了以戏剧为基础、音乐为主导、舞蹈为重要表现手段的基本形态。音乐剧演唱风格多样,具有多元性,本论文阐述了音乐剧,歌剧,中国戏剧的关系,以及音乐剧不同唱法的发声原理,对音乐剧优秀剧目浅析,最后对优秀音乐剧演唱者演唱特点的分析。音乐剧有着丰富的艺术内涵,本人希望通过自身在音乐剧演唱方面的一些理论研究以及演唱实践体验,起到一个抛砖引玉的作用,希望更多的人了解音乐剧,演唱音乐剧。

【Abstract】 Musical is a kind of art form which is popular around the world. For the bypass one hundred years, the musical has developed quickly and spread to all over the world. Musical is formed from the comedy and operetta which derived from the classical opera, and also absorbed broadly the factors from the jazz, country, rock roll and modern dance etc. Base on that, the musical becomes a kind of all round stage art, and the base form in which drama is the basis, the musical is the dominant, and the dance is the important representation. The sing style of musical is multicultural. This dissertation discusses the relation of musical, opera and China Drama, and the vocal principle of the different sing method. The excellence pieces of musical and good singer are analyzed. Musical has full of art intension, the author tries to introduce this method to the readers based on the theory studying and practicing in order to more and more people know and sing musical.

  • 【分类号】J616
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】353

