

Study of the Compulsory Educational Expenditure for Migrant Works Family Living in Shanghai

【作者】 陈珂

【导师】 张玲;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济的发展,涌向城镇的农民工数量日益增多,与农民工家长一同来到城市的子女的教育问题日益引起各方重视。农民工家长对于子女的教育消费的意愿怎样,现状怎样,是一个值得深思和研究的问题。本项研究选取了在上海比较有代表性的农民工较多的奉贤区为调查地区,以奉贤区肖塘小学的232个学生家庭为调查对象,进行了农民工子女义务教育消费方面的调查。旨在研究农民工子女教育消费上存在的规律和问题及产生原因以及提出解决问题和改进政策的建议。本研究采用定性和定量相结合的研究方法。在提出问题之后,首先通过文献收集分析了农民工子女义务教育消费的相关研究和相关概念的基本内涵,通过合理的问卷设计,抽样方法以及预调查来保证调查的科学性,在发放并回收问卷之后,整理出可靠的数据,在此基础上进行了农民工家庭恩格尔系数、教育消费指数以及负担率的计算,并和城镇居民进行了比较分析。进而利用社会统计软件SPSS对农民工家庭子女义务教育消费的影响因素进行了相关性分析。经过了上述分析,可以看出,农民工家庭由于更多的刚性支出的影响必须“节衣缩食”,因此造成了得出了农民工家庭的恩格尔系数处于一个非正常的“富裕”阶段。在教育消费方面,有扩展性教育消费的农民工家庭较少,只占样本农民工家庭的13.9%。但是不代表农民工家庭不重视这方面的支出。上海城镇居民和样本农民工家庭在基本教育消费指数上差距不大,但是在教育消费负担率上上海城镇居民要明显高出样本农民工家庭很多。由于存在着收入稳定性差,生活保障措施不健全,子女继续教育方面存在障碍,以及学校收费或使用不合理或不透明问题几方面的原因,使农民工家庭在教育消费方面存在着“想消费而不敢消费”的问题。但是通过对其消费意愿的优先度调查可以看出他们仍然将教育消费摆在一个很重要的位置。针对以上问题产生的原因,笔者从政府、社会以及学校三个方面提出了相应的解决措施。政策上加强其生活保障,解决其升学矛盾;社会上成立扶助基金,创办针对农民工家庭的低价位补习班;学校上整治收费项目,使收费透明合理。三管齐下,扫除农民工家庭对子女教育消费的障碍。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development, more and more migrant workers are working in cities, and most of them intend to set down in cities for a long time. It seems that migrant workers do not pay much attentions to their children’s education. Thus the educational problem of migrants workers’ children brings up every quarter’s attention, which is worth our further investigation.The purpose of this study is to understand the problems existing in the migrant workers’ education expense, the cause and the corresponding solutions. It is based on XiaoTang elementary school. This school is in FengXian district, where many migrant workers are living. And totally there are 232 samples in this studyThis study utilizes the qualitative and quantitative research methods. It collects eduction expense and costums of migrant workers, not only through government documents, but also through the surveys and talks in XiaoTang elementary school. It analyzes the researches and concepts about educational expenditure through related documents. At the meanwhile, it uses appropriate questionnaire, samplings and pre-investigation to ensure scientificness. Based on the data collected, it calculates Engel rate,the educational consumer price index and the burden rate of migrant workers’ families, and then compares them with those of Urban families. Moreover, SPSS is leveraged to do correlation analysis.On the basis of the analysis above, the study finds the problem that migrant workers are willing to spend more money on children’s education, but actually they are not able to due to little family income, incomplete social insurance, government education policy. Moreover, this study proposes the solutions accordingly from three different aspects:government, society and school. For example, raising their social insurance, setting up low-cost opportunity class, reduce in-school education expense. These steps above should be able to resolve their concerns to spend more money on children’s education.

  • 【分类号】G522.3
  • 【下载频次】318

