

Development & Practice of School-based English Teaching Textbooks in a Private Junior Secondary School

【作者】 徐景萍

【导师】 王斌华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语教学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 时代的发展和社会的进步呼唤着教育制度的革新,作为公办教育的重要补充的民办学校在教育改革和发展中起着重要的作用。民办学校和公办学校,作为学校教育是相通的,实施优质教育是教育发展的必然要求,也是人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求的一个重要内容。优胜劣汰是教育市场竞争的必然。民办学校相对于公办学校来说,是满足人民群众的择校需求而应运而生的。民办教育是一种选择教育。民办学校作为教育服务的生产组织,只有不断培育和发展自身的竞争优势,提高获取稀缺教育资源的竞争能力,为社会不同需求选择的人群提供优质教育服务,才能稳操胜券,持续发展。校本教材从学校的办学特色和教学的特点出发,根据本校学生的实际情况编写而成。因此,它有助于学生发展兴趣,形成特长,体现和发挥学校的办学特色,提高教育质量。国家统编教材更多地关注学校人才培养的基本质量,关注教育要求的统一性。因而,在满足社会多样化需要方面,它就给校本教材留下了较大的空间,使学校在这一领域可以发挥更大的作用。当代教育注重教育基本要求的统一性与人才培养多样性的结合,国家统编教材与校本教材的相互补充可以较好地满足当代社会发展的这一要求,使学校教育更好地服务社会。本文介绍了股份制全日制中学——江苏省常熟市昆承中学,在创办英语特色学校的过程中,开发并且编写了民办学校初中英语校本教材系列,提高了学校的办学竞争力,高质量实施素质教育,成功地把学校办成当地优秀学生首选的小规模高素质的精品学校。本论文分五章,第一章阐述了研究背景、研究目的和意义、研究的主要内容和方法,在此基础上提出本课题;第二章概述了理论基础和国内外相关研究,为民办学校初中英语校本教材的开发提供理论指导;第三章、第四章为本文的核心章节,详细介绍了江苏省常熟市昆承中学英语校本教材的开发和实践。第五章通过对民办学校初中英语校本教材开发和实践过程的研究和分析,得出本论文的结论和启示,指出目前民办学校初中英语校本教材开发的不足之处,以待改进,并且为今后的其他学校进行英语校本教材开发提供一些教学经验与借鉴。

【Abstract】 The development of society requires the innovation of education system. Hence appear private schools, which play undoubtedly an important role in educational reform and development. Whether schools are private or public,both are closely connected in terms of school education. The development of education requires high quality educaion, so do people whose material and cultural needs have been increasing rapidly.The survival of the fittest is a natural consequence of competitive education markets. Compared with public schools, the birth of private schools turn out to meet the needs of the people’s choices.To some degree, private education means a choice.As a production organization of educational service, private schools possess potential service of high quality education to meet a variety of people with different requirements.Besides,they make sure that success as well as sustained development are achieved under the conditions of constantly nurturing and developing their own competitive advantages.The school-based textbooks are compiled by considering the features of particular schools and those of teaching in light of the conditions of schools’students. Therefore they contribute a lot to developing their interests and hobbies,forming their special aptitude, embodying and cultivating schooling features and improving education quality. The textbooks provided by the government focus more on the basic quality of students and uniqueness of education. In consequence, they leave school-based textbooks a rather big space in terms of social diversification satisfaction and make it possible for schools to exert more influence in this field. Modern education attaches importance to the combination of uniqueness and diversification in developing manpower resources. The complementarity of teaching materials offered by the government and the textbooks developed by private schools can better satisfy this demand of modern social development and enable school edueation to better serve society.In this paper, full-time stock secondary school-Changshu City Kuncheng Secondary School in Jiangsu Province, in the course of founding an English-feature school, has developed and compiled a series of English school-based teaching textbooks, increased school competitiveness, and implemented high-quality education,which successfully makes the school a small-scale but high-quality school for the best local studentsThis paper is composed of five chapters:ChapterⅠdescribes the background,the purposes and meanings, the ways and content of the research and raises the project based on them.ChapterⅡintroduces the theoretical basis and relevant reseaches home and abroad.ChapterⅢ& ChapterⅣare the core of this thesis, describing the process of the development and practice of the school-based teaching textbooks for a private junior secondary.ChapterⅤproposes its conclusion that the school-based teaching textbooks has some shortages and it needs improvement according to the analysis on the case.As a result,it also provides some experience and reference for othe schools on the reasearch later on.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】299

