


【作者】 张洁

【导师】 顾伟列;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国文学发展到晚明时期,小说创作异军突起。产生了被后世称为“奇书”的《三国志通俗演义》、《忠义水浒传》、《西游记》、《金瓶梅词话》这四部鸿篇巨制。明代四大奇书自问世以来,研究成果与学术观点众多。美国汉学家浦安迪先生以西方研究者的视角,另辟蹊径,运用文学比较的方法,结合中国古代小说评点的丰富资料和现代西方小说研究理论,融会中外学界中国小说的研究成果,将四部小说纳入大致同一的创作与修订时代,构建了一个以结构、反讽和理学背景为主干的研究框架,着重对四部小说的叙事结构、修辞手法和成书背景展开细密周到的研究,开辟了“奇书”研究的新视角。浦安迪认为,自弘治(1488-1505)至万历(1573-1619)中期100多年间,文人在已有故事来源、原始素材及并行修订本的基础上,经过自觉的艺术构思,创作出可以按照现代西方小说理论来定义的新小说文体——奇书文体,从而标志着以散文体为形式的长篇小说新文体的产生。四部小说的问世,不仅奠定了章回体小说在中国小说史上的地位,而且形成了可以运用西方现代关于小说文类特征的理论进行解析的体式。浦安迪指出,晚明思想的核心是折衷论,即以儒家思想为基石,融合了佛家与道家的思想资源,这也是他研究“四大奇书”的内含意蕴以及创作、修订和传播背景所关注的重点。他认为四部小说集中反映了晚明文人学士的文化价值观及其思想抱负,在思想意义上具有更加丰富的内涵,是中国传统文化发展到集大成时期的重要成果之一。浦安迪将“四大奇书”归为一类进行综合研究的另一原因是,小说的内在结构和创作手法体现了较多的共同特征。四部小说在结构上讲究对称和谐,在情节设置上善于反复迭现相似的情节或细节,在修辞方法上长于运用反讽手法。这些创作特征既集中体现了中国传统小说的文学特色,也与中国文化的传统精神息息相关。本文在研读浦安迪论著及小说文本和相关小说研究文献的基础上,提炼出浦安迪研究“四大奇书”的三个重要视角:叙事结构、反讽手法和理学背景,分别以三章对其主要的学术观点和方法论特色展开论析。

【Abstract】 Development of Chinese literature to the late Ming novels have sprung up everywhere. Had to be later known as the "Wonderful" and" Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Loyalty Outlaws of the Marsh, Journey to the West, Jin Ping Mei, this system of four monumental masterpiece.Since the advent of the Ming Dynasty Four Masterpieces,a number of research and academic point of view.American Sinologist Andrew H.Plaks researcher’s point of view from the West,another way, using the method of comparative,to borrow the West’s "novel" view, would be included in a novel four times or less the same,limited to a fixed system, by four the novel structure and rhetoric,and fiction into a book background studies to the "Masterpieces" research new perspective.Plaks think that since Hongzhi(1488-1505)to Wanli(1573-1619)Midium 100 years, scholars of this period have been the story at the source of raw material and the parallel revised based on the idea of art through the initiative,to create can follow modern Western fiction theory to define the new novel style - Masterpieces style,which marks the prose novel from of the new style of production. Plaks pointed out that the late Ming was a compromise on the core ideas,that is the cornerstone of Confucianism, Buddism and Taoism combines the idea of resources,which is his research,"Four Great Masterpieces" of the implicit meaning and the creation,revision and dissermination of The focus of the background. He believes four late Ming novel embodies the degree of cultural values and ideological aspirations,in the ideological sense, with more rich content,is a master of Chinese traditional culture to the important achievements during the one.Plaks grouped the "Four Great Masterpieces" another reason for the comprehensive study is that the internal structure of the novel and creative approach reflects the more common features.Four Novels of symmetry in the structure of stress harmony,repeated in the plot set on a good plot or Diego are similar to the details of the method in the rhetorical use of irony in practice longer. These features not only embodies the creation of traditional Chinese literary novel features,but also the tradition of Chinese culture are closely related. Plaks in reading this article and on the fiction novels and related literature based on the extracted Plaks of Four Great Masterpieces of the three important perspective:narrative structure,irony practices and physical background, to chapters of its main the academic point of view and methodology of analysis of characteristics of the style.

【关键词】 浦安迪四大奇书结构反讽理学
【Key words】 Andrew H. PlaksFour MasterpiecesStructureIronyConfucianism
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【下载频次】308

